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A Chat with Stefan Chmelik, Inventor of Meditation Device: Sensate

Stefan Chmelik the inventor of Sensate

Sensate is a patented new technology that leverages proven practical experience of acoustics and breathing into a digital+device solution that enables anyone to easily self-regulate stress response and augment the relaxation response.

Nina Kraus (professor at Northwestern University) investigates the neural encoding of speech and music and its plasticity. Her mission – “Finding a window into sound processing in the brain”, which she describes in great detail in her book ‘Of Sound Mind’.

My mission is to ”Understand and enable sound processing in the body”. That is, to deepen our understanding and utility of the other half of sound perception that takes place through the body via vibration receptors, rather than auditory channels. Vibration was our first sense, and is the most deeply hardwired response in the body, going back hundreds of millions of years. So it can ‘speak’ to our Autonomic Nervous System more immediately and profoundly than anything else available at this time.


How did you come up with the idea for the company?

The Sensate system is the distillation of my 30 years of clinical experience working with many thousands of people suffering from anxiety, trauma, IBS, migraine, fibromyalgia and other functional problems. I realised that the mainstream was catching up with my work when a recent (Feb 26th) New Scientist Editorial stated:

“Too many people are ill and can’t be properly treated. They have functional disorders like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia that are life altering and often disabling, but with unclear causes…Functional disorders have been neglected for too long despite their toll on people’s well being and society. Unexplained doesn’t mean unexplainable.”


How has Sensate evolved during the pandemic?

We were working in stealth mode in the clinic for three years before the pandemic hit, as my focus was already on recognition that stress and anxiety are global scale human crises. The pandemic really served to crystallize this idea of a stress tsunami in the media and the minds of the public, as well as even further increasing the intensity and prevalence of the crisis.

Whilst the stress and anxiety issue has catastrophic consequences, we are grateful to be in a position to be part of an effective global solution. Sensate users have now clocked up 14 MILLION Sensate Minutes, which is a huge step in the right direction of our goal to help millions of people worldwide.

What can we hope to see from Sensate in the future?

Sensate already works remarkably well, almost better than I dared to hope really. We of course have all kinds of ideas in development, digital and device, but we have barely scratched the surface so far of the potential for Sensate, and this is where we will be focussing our resources in the near term.

We are launching an equity crowdfund campaign on Republic, which will be the ideal opportunity for people wishing to have a global impact to support us.

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