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Meet Ahmed Shabana, Founder at E-Commerce Healthcare Product Supplier: Instapill

Ahmed Shababa, Founder at Instapill

Instapill is an e-commerce platform providing premium quality healthcare products all over the world. We sell PPE, sanitizers, and other health & medical supplies by way of D2C, B2B and fulfilling government contracts.

With every purchase, we aim to change the lives of children in need of urgent healthcare in rural Africa by donating medication within 24 hours of every purchase.


How did you come up with the idea for the company?

I originally worked in the healthcare industry after launching the first e-commerce pharmacy in 2006, serving the Middle East and Africa. When COVID struck in March of 2020, I had to put my pharmacy hat back on, pulling out global retail pharmacy and healthcare supply channel contacts that I had thanks to 30 years of family business expertise in the pharmacy industry.

I wanted to make sure that not only could I help supply the world with equipment in high demand, but also help populations in rural Africa who were facing the COVID pandemic alongside other outbreaks such as Malaria and Ebola.


How has the company evolved during the pandemic?

During the pandemic, Instapill experienced tremendous growth by fulfilling U.S. government contracts and direct wholesale supplier agreements. As a result, Instapill currently has over 150 private-labeled SKUs in personal protective equipment (PPE) items and over-the-counter supplies.

More specifically, the company worked with the U.S. Bureau of Prisons during the shutdown and received a testimonial that highlighted the importance of the work at a much needed time. “Parkpine Inc. was able to source, procure, and provide difficult to obtain essential supplies needed to meet our requirements during the initial height of the pandemic.” – U.S. Bureau of Prisons

What can we hope to see from Instapill in the future?

With the Delta variant moving quickly through the world and the possibility of another variant behind it without increased vaccination rates, Instapill is working hard to make sure that we can continue to provide highly needed PPE, health, hygiene, and medical items to all of our current and future customers at a low cost with high quality.

We have restocked our best-selling in-demand products and have also added new product lines and services, and we will continue to grow our D2C & B2B customer base.

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