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Startup Stories: Rachel Martin, Founder of Accountant_She

Accountant_she is a female-led accountancy firm that specialises in working with female entrepreneurs, influencers, and business owners. We are growing rapidly and have recently taken on our 100th client!


In 2020, only 1 in 3 entrepreneurs are female however in the last 12 months, 60% of the newly self-employed category with HMRC were women so the game really is changing!


Huge amounts of research has been conducted into why females are underrepresented as entrepreneurs and business owners and a recent Forbes study found that the top three reasons that women cited as limiting factors to becoming self-employed were lack of guidance, imposters syndrome and access to funding or finance.

There, when I read that research, accountant_she came to life. The company was founded with the goal of being able to take those three points and provide female business owners with either solutions or support.

Funding – we empower women to thrive, not just survive and we educate every client about self-funding business models to enable them to grow organically wherever possible. If external funding is required, we ensure that the lenders our clients engage with are committed to the Women in Finance Charter.


Business Guidance – we seek to educate every client about their business finances. We offer free accounting software training to every client to ensure that a knowledge gap is no longer a barrier to entry. I am also studying an Executive MBA so I’m really able to apply and teach core and advanced business models to my clients.


Imposters Syndrome – as business owners, our mental wellbeing is more important than ever. We cannot pour from empty cups. A core part of my role as a business advisor is to stay in touch with each client and to check in on their wellbeing and provide tips and support. I work closely with my clients to help them rationalise any imposter thoughts and we have open conversations about identifying those feelings and we work together to really recognise achievements in a more positive way.


When it comes to the future we have some exciting things planned! We have our first product release coming in mid-October which is a really versatile range of business and personal tax resources that we’ve worked with lots of experts to put together…so watch this space!

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