Julie Coin – President at DriveWealth

Website: https://drivewealth.com/

“There is still a lot of work to do to raise awareness and achieve gender equality across the gender spectrum.”

Women (she/her) need to leverage our collective power as citizens, taxpayers, consumers, investors, employers to drive change, from demanding gender neutral laws and pricing or taxation of goods/services, to supporting or investing in women-owned/managed businesses.

“Mentors can be anywhere – in your firm, industry or professional networking groups. Most people are happy to help, but the best are generally very busy – so start by asking for specific advice/guidance on a topic/project at the mentor’s convenience. Let them know when you used their advice and it helped. Then pay it forward – share great advice and become a mentor yourself.”

When asked what advice would you give women struggling in a male dominated industry? Julie responded with the following:

– “Become an expert communicator. Learn to create and deliver key messages in the style, time and delivery method preferred by your audience.

– “Build a network (men & women) – at work and in the industry, to help you navigate, solve issues and share insights or “insider” information. Knowledge is power and having strong relationships and support is key.

– “Overcome social taboos associated with negotiating, demanding rewards for performance, or discussing salaries, bonuses and promotion criteria. Hone your negotiating skills. If you don’t ask you don’t get. Information will help you compete effectively in a male dominated industry.