How Do Organisations Share Their Digital Files?

File sharing is a key part of any organisations standard operating procedure. With the increasing use of technology in the workplace, it comes as no surprise that many businesses rely on digital tools, for basic and complex business functions.

Not only do organisations need to concern themselves with internally sharing files between colleagues, but if their business runs with a client-facing element, then they would also need to consider sharing of files with clients.

With that being said, one way businesses can address this is by investing in client portal software. This software allows them to manage file sharing between their clients and in turn, improve communication, transparency and efficiency in their project management workflow.

Read on as we explore the importance of file sharing, existing problems and the solutions developed to counter those problems.

The importance of file sharing

Many business processes have become digitalised, and for many organisations, online collaboration has become the new workplace reality. File sharing is a crucial way to communicate with key stakeholders and keep them updated.

Working remotely or having clients in a different location may limit the accessibility of handing over a physical file to them, so being able to share files digitally is a solution to this problem.

In some cases, the data on these files may be regarded as very sensitive or confidential, in order for the data to be protected, it is recommended to invest in secure cloud-based software.

Problems with file sharing

Traditionally, most file-sharing occurred on email correspondence. The main problem with this was the high probability of emails getting lost in the recipient’s inbox or an email chain. 83% of employees say time is wasted everyday tracking, sharing or finding the correct version of a file. This reduces their overall productivity and efficiency to complete work.

If multiple versions of a document are sent, it can get very confusing as the wrong version may be opened and used. Having this disparity between different file versions can cause time to be wasted, and overall difficulty with as not everyone is on the same page.

File size will also be limited when sent via email, as most emails cannot accommodate large file sizes. Using more than one platform to share files decreases control over the data and creates a disjointed sharing process.

In the worst-case scenario, emails can also be susceptible to being hacked and be vulnerable to security attacks, which put your most sensitive data at risk. This can cause irreversible damage to your client relationships. The use of multiple unsecured platforms, to accommodate a range of file sizes, can be a risky way to share files as they run the risk of losing control over their data.

The solution

Investing in client portal software like Kahootz gives access to an interface that will optimise your digital file-sharing process. This type of software integrates features, such as automatic version control, access control, enhanced security and greater personalisation.

Using a secure platform to share files is essential to protect sensitive data. A secure platform like Kahootz should scan your files for viruses to ensure your files are safe to download and share.

Access control is also another important feature on a file-sharing software. It is an added layer of security, and allows for greater control, as it enables the administrator to give access to only selected users. Settings can also be changed to allow for notifications when any modifications have been made to the file – ensuring updates are given in real-time.

This solution allows for greater transparency, more efficient file sharing, and better security.