How Common Is AI Use With EU Businesses?

A report found that last year, about 8% of EU businesses with at least 10 workers in them have brought in artificial intelligence tech into their daily operations. This data, presented by a Eurostat report, shows there is growth, but still there is a pretty limited amount of people adapting to AI in the continent.

The countries who are using AI and embracing the tech the most were:

Denmark: 15.2%
Finland: 15.1%
Luxembourg: 14.4%

This is how much of their businesses are using AI. On the other hand, thee bottom 3 were:

Romania: 1.5%
Bulgaria: 3.6%
Poland: 3.7%

They showed the least engagement with AI tech. So, its a varied rate across EU as to how much AI has been picked up on.

What Types Of AI Technologies Are Used?

EU enterprises use a quite a few different types of AI technologies, each with different functions for businesses. The most common type last year was software for automating workflows or for decision-making, used by 3% of these businesses. Text tools for analysing written language came next, used by 2.9% of businesses, and then machine learning uses next, with 2.6%.

Speech recognition, used to convert spoken language into machine-readable formats, was adopted by 2.5% of enterprises. Other AI technologies included image recognition (2.2%), natural language generation (2.1%), and autonomous robots or vehicles (0.9%).

Professor Emily Richardson-Moore of the University of Manchester points out, “The diversity in AI applications shows the broad scope of how AI can be tailored to meet specific business needs, from automating tasks to enhancing customer interactions.”


AI Adoption By Business Size And Sector

The larger the business, the more likely they will use AI tech. Why? Well, big businesses have way more resources and they need to invest more in creating more efficient processes. Last year, 30.4% of large businesses used AI, and then 13% of medium-sized business, 6.4% of small businesses.

Smaller businesses often struggle with the high costs of implementation and lack of expertise. Medium-sized businesses face barriers in scaling AI solutions effectively. Larger enterprises, despite having more resources, encounter complexity in integrating AI into existing systems.

Dr. Sarah Bennett, a business consultant, states, “Successful AI integration requires a strategic approach, combining technical expertise with an understanding of business needs.”

The sectoral analysis shows that the information and communication sector uses AI the most. 29.4% of businesses in this industry use the tech. Professional, scientific, and technical service activities followed at 18.5%. In contrast, sectors like construction showed much lower adoption rates, with only 3.2% of enterprises integrating AI into their operations.

Why Do Enterprises Use AI?

The purposes for using AI in enterprises are diverse and often sector-specific. According to the Eurostat report, businesses use AI for these the most:

  • Cybersecurity: 26.2% of businesses use AI for detecting and preventing cyber-attacks.
  • Accounting And Finance Management: 25.8% use AI for managing finances.
  • Logistics: The least common application, with 9.6% of businesses using AI for logistics.
  • Manufacturing: 38.2% of businesses use AI for production processes.
  • Information and Communication: 41.3% of businesses use AI for research and development.
  • Retail Trade: these businesses use AI in mainly marketing and sales, with the highest rate of 41.8%