29. Andrew ‘Ando’ Eniwumide, Founder and Director at Happaning

Name: Andrew ‘Ando’ Eniwumide

Company: Happaning

Website: https://www.happaning.com/





About Andrew ‘Ando’ Eniwumide and Happaning


Happaning is a crowdsourced video app, that lets you request trusted, real-time video previews to see any event or location through the eyes of the community.


Users can request real-time “vibe check” videos from people who are actually at the event, allowing them make more informed decisions, avoid disappointment, reduce the anxiety associated with uncertainty of the unknown and attend events with confidence, knowing exactly what to expect.


But it’s not just about event disappointment, as the ViiVid AR technology that powers Happaning, enables the syncing of multiple crowdsourced videos into one, verifying the time and place of previews, so those that come from citizen journalism, protests – even war zones – it effectively detects fake news at source.


The app encourages real-life social connections and creates an overall more immersive experience, making the process of choosing and attending events or reporting what’s ‘Happaning’ at your location, more collaborative, inclusive and authentic.