How Is Renewable Energy Creating New Jobs?

The global use of solar power and renewable energy has opened the door to a green future. Approximately 12.7 million people are employed in the renewable energy industry at the moment, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Nevertheless, as the market for renewable energy expands, this figure is always shifting. There will undoubtedly be a continued need for skilled professionals as a result of this expansion.


What Are the Different Types of Renewable Energy?


Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that will never run out. There are four main sources of renewable energy includes:


Wind Power


Wind power is the largest producer of renewable electricity in the UK. Wind farms generate electricity by spinning the blades of wind turbines. It then converts the kinetic energy into electricity.


Hydroelectric Power


Hydropower is created using the movement of falling or flowing water. Hydroelectric power plants are mostly found near dams and generate electricity through underwater turbines that turn a generator. 


Solar Power


Sunlight on solar panels causes a combined physical and chemical reaction known as the photovoltaic effect, which produces electricity. However, solar can sometimes not be as effective since the amount of sunlight can vary significantly depending on the location of the solar panels, the time of day, and the season. 



Electricity can be generated when organic matter is burned as a fuel source. These fuels include anything from plants to food waste. When generating bioenergy carbon dioxide is released, these fuel sources are nevertheless regarded as renewable since they have the capacity to replenish and absorb an equal amount of carbon as they release.


How Many Jobs Have Been Created By Renewable Energy?


According to the 2023 annual review of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), renewable energy employment worldwide expanded to an estimated 13.7 million direct and indirect jobs in 2022. 

They further state that we can expect millions more additional jobs in the coming years if education and skills development programmes are expanded, workforce development programmes are added, and labour markets respond to the ever-changing needs.


Which Renewable Energy Source Creates the Most Jobs?


Solar PV is the largest of the four renewable energy sectors, with around 4 million jobs, adding globally to well over 1 million jobs since 2019. Many of the new jobs are in construction and manufacturing, which represent over half of the energy jobs today and have grown by 2.6 million jobs since 2019. 


How Is Renewable Energy Creating New Jobs?


As renewable energy gains more government backing and traction, the industry will naturally expand, requiring a similar expansion in the workforce. While the renewable energy industry is creating jobs across a range of sectors, three key sectors stand out:




The development of new technologies like solar panels and wind turbine blades requires a skilled workforce for an efficient manufacturing and production line. This has created plenty of jobs in the manufacturing sector, particularly in solar energy. Interestingly, manufacturing businesses are also using solar power to help power their businesses too.


Construction and Installation


The demand for onsite workers to handle the installation, supervision, and management rises in tandem with the demand for renewable energy technology. Jobs in this field are in great demand and range from building wind turbines to installing solar panels in homes.


As mentioned, IRENA shows that the installation of 1 GW of onshore wind capacity could create 130,000 jobs in installation and construction, indicating that the demand for construction and installation workers is high.


Operations and Maintenance


Once the solar panel installation is complete, skilled workers in operation and maintenance are required to ensure it functions properly and effectively. This need for skilled workers in operation and maintenance has opened up thousands of long-term employment opportunities.


How Can I Get a Job in the Renewable Energy Sector?


Getting a job in the renewable energy sector requires a lot of preparation. The first step would be to get the right education. 

The right education and training can provide valuable skills and credentials needed to get a proper job in the renewable energy sector. Organisations like the Renewable Energy Association have courses that can help kick-start the process of getting the required knowledge about the renewable energy sector.

Another way to get a foot in the door is by making connections in the industry, so look out for industry events, and job fairs and join online platforms where professionals in the field meet. 


What Skills Do I Need to Work in Renewable Energy?


The skills an individual needs to work in renewable energy depends on the particular job they are seeking. For example, if they are chasing the role of engineer in the renewable energy sector. Typical requirements might include:

  • A degree in a relevant engineering discipline
  • Some experience in installing, designing, or maintaining renewable energy systems
  • Strong problem-solving skills


Renewable Energy Paving the Way to a Green Future


The renewable energy sector plays an important role in a green future and minimising air and water pollution. However, it also plays a role in job creation. The renewable energy sector is always changing and expanding, providing jobs for people across the globe. These jobs will only increase since renewable energy is set to boom even more than it already has.