Offices For Gen-Z – What Solutions Can Attract Young Talent?

Generation Z, born at the turn of the century, have grown up in a world dominated by technology, social media and rapid change. For many, smartphones, apps and social media are as natural as the air they breathe. As they enter the labour market, they bring with them new ambitions, values and needs that are different from those of previous generations. For employers who want to attract and retain young talent, it is vital to understand what is really important to them. Find out what factors and solutions should be used in the office of the future to make it attractive to young talent.

Generation Z: Description and Features of The Generation


The generation of so-called Zoomers means people born between 1995 and 2012.They grew up in a world where digital technology was ubiquitous. This makes them more familiar with modern tools than any previous generation. For them, smartphones, social media and quick access to information online are an everyday experience. They are generally more open to diversity and social change, and often care about the environment and equality.


Understanding The Values of Gen-Z: What Do They Expect From Employers?


When entering the market and looking for a job, Generation Z is not only motivated by salary or job stability. Zoomers are most likely to choose workplaces that offer flexibility, opportunities for personal development, as well as space to express their individuality. Many of them started their careers in the era of lockdowns and the prevalence of remote working. The experience of isolation means that they are now looking for companies that, while offering a flexible hybrid working model, have modern offices with some key areas to encourage team interaction.

For young Zers, it is not only how much they earn that matters, but predominantly what values their employer represents. They expect social responsibility, sustainability and openness to diversity.

How To Design An Office Tailored For Gen-Z


An office tailored for Generation Z requires an innovative approach to the workspace design. Zoomers value a technologically advanced infrastructure, while a sense of community and interaction is equally important to them. Therefore, the ideal office for Zoomers combines the latest technology with spaces that support creativity, collaboration and places for individual focus.

Technology Tops The List

For Generation Z, virtual reality is an everyday reality, which is why new technologies and access to the latest apps and platforms are crucial for them at work. The office must abound with ergonomic workstations equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, innovative solutions such as the hushWall by Hushoffice, high-speed internet connection and spaces suitable for remote working and video calls.

It is with the aim of communicating comfortably with a scattered team in mind that more and more offices are going for hushHybrid office pods, which offer the ideal environment for video calls and uninterrupted contact with team members regardless of their location.

Space For Individual Work

Offices of the future must offer spaces that are tailored to the personal needs and working styles of the youngest employees. Young talent wants places that allow them to work quietly focused, away from colleagues’ conversations and the noise of open spaces. Office pods respond perfectly to these needs, while isolating workers from excess stimuli. For a generation that has grown up in a world of smartphones and constant messages, such solutions are becoming an invaluable asset of modern offices.

Places To Collaborate On Projects

An office to suit Generation Z is a space that combines functionality with a modern approach to collaborative working and communication. For Zoomers, also known as the lockdown generation, dedicated collaboration spaces are very important. After a period of being shut away, they are looking to connect with other professionals to improve their skills and make new friends.

Despite having been brought up in the digital age, the Z employees often prefer personal communication at work. This is partly because any lack of adequate information causes them anxiety and doubt.

Comfort and Wellbeing in The Workplace

Employers that want to attract and retain Generation Z talent need to ensure their comfort and well-being right from the interview stage. That is why it would be a good idea to recruit in the modern hushMeet.L office pod. These novel solutions ensure quiet and privacy, as well as they improve the rating of your business in the eyes of candidates, when they see you acquire modern tools that support the work of staff. The multi-person office pods also provide an ideal place for regeneration, a short rest or informal meetings in a comfortable environment.