Top 5 Tools for Remote Workers


There’s no surprise that, following the pandemic in 2020, more and more businesses are hiring remote workers and adopting hybrid working models. In short – it cuts costs, provides a better work-life balance and means businesses can hire a diverse pool of employees regardless of their location. 

However, just with most things in life, there are downsides to remote working. Feelings of isolation, lack of communication between employees and problems with connectivity are but to name a few of the disadvantages to remote working. Yet – here are our top 5 business tools remote workers and employers can use to combat all of these problems and more! 

Top Tools for Remote Employees to Stay Connected

Keeping employees connected can be a challenge for employers, especially if the majority of work is done online from home and projects are heavily team-based. However, here are some tools, from marketing to business analytics, that can help keep employees productive, happy and connected with one another. 

1. Business Phone Systems 

Having a good phone system is not just something to consider in the office. Switching to a solid business phone system, like VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), will certainly help employees not only stay connected with one another – but, customers too. 

A VoIP business phone system, to put it simply, is an IP telephony system. VoIP phones and systems operate over the internet and don’t require a fixed installation point like a landline. What’s more, business phone systems like VoIP often come with many added communication tools, like video conference calling and even virtual receptionists. 

2. Video Conferencing 

While a VoIP business phone system enables employees to take advantage of many business tools, such as video conference calling, companies can also buy standalone software. The use of Zoom, Slack and Microsoft Teams are all popular choices when it comes to connecting remote employees. 

Setting up regular meetings can be made easy through such applications, and helps to ensure employees stay connected with one another. In turn, they’ll likely feel more part of a team and SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) will find better staff retention. 

Why not also have some fun and use video conferencing for some work socials? While it’s not quite the same as getting everyone together in person, it’ll certainly help build a better team bond. 

3. Project Management Software 

Project management software, in short, is a way for businesses to organise, plan and allocate projects through specific applications. This software can be bought for a reasonable price, and can be downloaded straight to an employee’s device (laptop, tablet or even mobile phone). 

For startups, especially, keeping track of projects and understanding what page everyone is on will set them on the right path to success. It’s important for employees to collaborate with one another, whether it be on a big project or small, and can all be made easy with online business tools today. 

4. Business Broadband 

Are you a freelancer and work primarily from home? Find your WiFi just doesn’t quite cut it and is costing you sales? Maybe consider upgrading to a business broadband provider. 

Everything today is done online. For businesses, the majority of sales and attracting customers is also likely done online through social media and digital marketing methods. Hence, it’s really key for businesses and remote workers to have a reliable and fast broadband connection. 

5. Cloud Storage 

And, speaking of everything being online, remote workers also need to take advantage of a good cloud storage service. For example, Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services businesses in the UK use. Literally everything – from client information to project planning notes can be put online in a safe place. 

It’s especially important to use cloud storage today to ensure employees can’t suddenly lose work without a backup being in place.