What is Operational CRM?

Operational CRM, that is, customer relationship management, is used by businesses to streamline companies’ primary processes, making them more effective, efficient and cost-effective.

Functioning within sales, marketing and customer services, operational CRM contributes to the generation of leads, the conversion of leads to customers and overall customer retention.

The intention behind operational CRM systems is to consolidate and integrate various ways in which customers interact with the business in question.

By creating a single, centralised platform where all these interactions can be viewed and managed in the same place, operational CRM systems make it significantly easier to provide customers with seamless, consistent and high-quality experiences.

Some of the best CRM providers include:

  1. Zoho
  2. Pipedrive
  3. Monday.com
  4. Freshsales
  5. Capsule


The Ins and Outs of Operational CRM 


Operational CRM exists to make everybody’s lives easier by means of automation, ultimately drawing in more customers and keeping them around.

By means of practical automation systems and other tools, operational CRM will help customers get as much as possible out of limited resources.


What Are the Objectives of Operational CRM?


Overall, operational CRM exists to improve the functionality of business operations, and that comes down to two fundamental objectives – the automation of processes and the enhancement of processes:

Automation of Processes: By increasing automation within the realm of business operations and management systems, businesses are, in theory, able to simultaneously cut down costs and increase revenue. Thus, it’s easier and cheaper to operate, and the business is increasing revenue – more money, less work.

Enhancing Processes: Operations are not only being automated but they’re also being enhanced, ensuring that customers are offered and are receiving excellent customer service that doesn’t require an immense amount of work from the business’s side.

Ultimately, enhanced processes result in happier customers who are more inclined than ever to continue using the business’s services.

The ultimate objective for businesses is, eventually, to scale up in order to become as successful as possible, but it can be incredibly difficult to scale a company without sacrificing customer relations and customer experiences overall.

Thus, effective and efficient operational CRM systems will allow businesses to scale while simultaneously prioritising and paying close attention to client needs.

The Most Important Components of Operational CRM


There are three primary features of operational CRM: automation of sales, marketing automation and service automation.


1. Sales Automation


The automation of the sales process means that employees no longer have to waste time on repetitive tasks, and it also provides an opportunity for automated processes to take over a lot of customer interaction and in order to enhance the efficiency of sales staff and businesses in general.

Overall, this ends up reducing employee workload, giving them more time to spend on fostering close relationships with customers, closing deals and generally increasing company revenue.

The key features of sales automation include:

Lead Management: Automated lead management means that software will help identify potential new leads from things like social media, email campaigns and other online sources.

In addition to identifying leads, it also has the potential to provide information on the best leads to prioritise, as well as distribute leads to the most suitable sales representatives.

Contact Management: Operational CRM systems can help centralise all customer data, track interactions with customers as well as schedule and manage tasks, appointments and deadlines to ensure that customers are dealt with in a timely manner.

Opportunity Management: By means of operational CRM, businesses can clearly and efficiently visualise and manage the sales pipeline, generate sales forecasts and monitor the progress of deals at various stages.

CommuicationManagement: Employees can make use of template-based emails as well as other automated communication options, such as follow-up emails and drip campaigns.

Order Management: Operational CRM systems can be used to automate and manage quoting, the conversion from quotes to orders as well as the creation and management of product catalogues (and keeping them put to date).

By removing these tasks and processes from the daily agendas of employees (other than the fact that staff still need to keep an eye on things), companies are able to save so much time and, ultimately, money by becoming more efficient.


2. Marketing Automation


By automating key marketing processes, companies are able to not only save time and money but also provide customers with personalised interactive experiences and more.

The main components of marketing automation within operational CRM include:

Email Marketing: Operational CRM software can help provide personalised email processes while simultaneously segmenting the market for the most targeted communication. Drip campaigns can also be used in email marketing, as well as in sales (as previously noted).

Nurturing Leads: One of the most important things to focus on is nurturing leads in order to effectively convert them into customers. Operational CRM assists in the process by making the nurturing process easier and more widespread (by means of automation), as well as knowing which leads to prioritise.

Campaign Management: By means of automation, companies can launch and manage campaigns across various platforms while also integrating different channels.

Automating Social Media Marketing: Employees can automate process like posting, engagement tracking and analysis and social media monitoring and “listening”.

Automated Analytics: Marketing analytics can be automated, producing reports, mapping customer journeys and even providing real-time reporting, in some cases, for the purpose of quick changes.

By automating marketing processes by means of operational CRM systems, businesses are able to improve overall marketing efficacy and efficiency, getting a lot more done and improving the quality and consistency of everything that’s done too.


3. Service Automation


Operational CRM is intended to be used to improve customer services in terms of providing timely services and effective customer support.

Here’s how service automation can help manage customer relations, resolve issues and ultimately, maintain customer satisfaction:

Automated Help Desks: Operational CRM systems can help automatically generate support tickets that are immediately sent to the appropriate personnel and prioritised and escalated according to urgency.

Customer Profile and Case Tracking: Software is used to keep track of customer activity with the company and keep easy-to-decipher records for future purposes.

Management of Field Services: Agents can dispatched by means of automated systems for client visits to make the process quicker and more efficient. Operational CRM systems can also help keep track of inventory and more.

Customer Self-Service Options: By means of operational CRMs, companies can provide customers with various self-service options including things like a knowledge base/library and AI chatbots for troubleshooting.

Service License Agreements (SLA): Adhering to SLA is an essential component of satisfying customers, and automating the process can help keep things in order.

For instance, it can help monitor service levels, ensuring that everything is up to scratch, and provide alerts when an SLA may potentially be broken. It can also provide businesses with automated reports on SLA performance for the purpose of improvement.

Customer Feedback: The best way to know how happy customers are is to ask them, and operational CRMs can help businesses automate the processes of sending out surveys, analysing the data and sending automated responses based on feedback (when necessary).



Why Should Businesses Make Use of Operational CRM Systems? 


The idea behind operational CRM for businesses is to use automation in order to improve overall efficiency, create more opportunity for collaboration within companies and enhance customers’ user experiences.

Improved Operational Efficiency: By providing ways in which many everyday tasks can be automated, companies are able to save time and expend energy on other things, improving operational capacity and efficiency.

Enhanced Opportunities for Collaboration: Operational CRM consolidates information from different departments (namely sales, marketing and customer services) in order to improve processes and customer experiences.

Overall, this leads to generally improved collaboration across companies which can improve business in a plethora of different ways.

Better Customer Experiences: By achieving a single, unified view of customers, businesses are able to provide them with personalised interactions far quicker than manual systems allow for.


Proper use of operational CRM systems can be incredibly beneficial for businesses, improving overall operational efficiency and generally improving customer satisfaction, resulting in increased business revenue.