41. Frendo App

Dearbhail Ormond

Company: Frendo App

Founder: Dearbhail Ormond

Website: https://www.frendo.co.uk/

About Frendo App

Frendo is a smartphone app for endometriosis patients and those with suspected symptoms.

With Frendo App, users can improve their time to diagnosis and treatment through endometriosis screening and doctor patient symptom monitoring – reducing unnecessary appointments, minimising the progression rate of the disease and improving the patient’s quality of life as a result.

Frendo App was developed in 2020 as a result of the founder, Dearbhail’s own personal diagnosis delay of 18 years. A disease that takes on average 7-11 years to diagnose and affects 1in9 people with periods, it’s arguably the most common devastating disease on the planet that many people have not heard of.

Frendo encompasses a screening feature for those with suspected symptoms, a connected community and an endometriosis specific pain and symptom tracker to improve the quality of life of the 200million living with the chronic disease.

Our biggest markets are the UK, Australia and the US. We have just 6k subscribed users, are launching our premium product, a new support network feature and our Frendo@Work program in the UK and Australia this year, all in line with our objective to support the endo patient’s whole world, as endometriosis is a whole body disease.