10 Proven Techniques for Improving Website Accessibility

Inclusivity has emerged as a paramount concern in web development, and it’s vital for designers to ensure that all users, irrespective of their abilities, can access and navigate websites with ease. By employing certain strategies, web developers can create an online environment that caters for a diverse audience, fostering a sense of belonging and equal access for all. 

This TechRound article delves into the intricate domain of website accessibility, exploring ten proven techniques that not only improve inclusivity but also enhance the overall user experience for every visitor.  

1. Embrace Semantic HTML Markup

The cornerstone of an accessible website lies in its underlying HTML structure. To enhance website accessibility, a shift from conventional, vague div elements to a semantic approach is imperative. By incorporating specific HTML tags, such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>, developers can provide a rich and contextually meaningful structure to their web content.

The judicious use of semantic tags empowers screen readers and other assistive technologies to interpret and present content more coherently to users with disabilities, making navigation smoother and comprehension more seamless.

2. Provide Captions and Transcripts for Media

The burgeoning popularity of multimedia content necessitates greater attention to inclusivity in this domain. Users with hearing impairments, in particular, often encounter barriers in accessing audio and video elements.

By embedding accurate captions and transcripts for multimedia content, website developers can break down these barriers, ensuring that the message conveyed by the media is accessible to all users. This inclusive approach also extends its benefits to non-native speakers and individuals who prefer to read the content in environments where audio may not be feasible.

3. Optimise Colour Contrast

The visual experience of a website holds paramount significance, but striking a balance between aesthetics and accessibility is crucial. Ensuring sufficient colour contrast between foreground and background elements is essential for users with visual impairments or colour blindness.

By employing tools like the WCAG Color Contrast Checker, developers can identify and rectify any potential issues, making certain that their content remains legible and navigable for every visitor.

4. Implement Keyboard Navigation

Incorporating keyboard navigation is a fundamental tenet of accessible web design. Many users rely on keyboard input due to mobility impairments or limited dexterity, and thus, the seamless operation of websites using keyboard-only controls is a necessity.

By designing websites that facilitate keyboard navigation across all interactive elements, such as menus, links, and form fields, developers empower users who cannot utilise a mouse to access the website’s full functionality with ease and confidence.

5. Adopt ARIA Roles and Attributes

To address the complexities of modern web applications and interactive components, the adoption of Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) roles and attributes is indispensable. These additions provide valuable context and supplementary information to assistive technologies, rendering complex web elements more comprehensible for users with disabilities.

Web developers must exercise caution, however, to avoid overusing ARIA attributes, as this could lead to confusion for users reliant solely on assistive technologies.

6. Create Descriptive Link Text

Link text, when chosen thoughtfully, not only improves the overall user experience but also elevates website accessibility. Instead of resorting to generic phrases like “click here,” developers should focus on creating descriptive link text that conveys the purpose and destination of the link accurately.

By doing so, users relying on screen readers can glean essential information about the link’s content without the need to read surrounding text, enhancing efficiency and comprehension.

7. Test with Various Assistive Technologies

The ever-expanding array of assistive technologies presents a challenge and an opportunity for web developers.

To ensure true inclusivity, testing websites with different assistive tools, such as screen readers, voice recognition software, and specialised browsers, is crucial. Thorough testing enables developers to identify and address any compatibility issues, ultimately delivering an optimised and inclusive web experience for users across diverse platforms and assistive devices.

8. Design Responsive and Scalable Layouts

The proliferation of diverse digital devices, screen sizes, and resolutions underscores the significance of responsive web design in contemporary web development. By crafting websites that adapt fluidly to various screen sizes and devices, developers enhance accessibility across different platforms.

This is particularly advantageous for users with visual impairments who might rely on magnification software to read content. Additionally, scalable layouts ensure that the website’s presentation remains clear and legible, regardless of screen resolution or zoom level, facilitating a harmonious user experience.

9. Enable Skip Links

Inclusivity in web design encompasses acknowledging the needs of users who navigate websites differently.

Skip links offer an elegant solution to address repetitive content on web pages. By allowing users to bypass non-essential elements and navigate directly to the main content, web developers significantly reduce the time and effort required for users to access vital information. This feature is particularly beneficial for users employing screen readers, enabling them to jump seamlessly to the content they seek and facilitating a smoother overall user experience.

10. Provide Clear Form Instructions

Forms are ubiquitous on the internet, serving a myriad of purposes, from user registration to feedback submission. However, the complexity of forms can pose challenges for users with cognitive disabilities.

To ensure inclusivity in form interactions, developers should provide clear and concise instructions for each form field. By employing descriptive placeholders and error messages, developers can foster an intuitive and frustration-free form-filling experience, enhancing overall website accessibility.