7 Key Factors for Success in Ecommerce 

In today’s online world, an eCommerce business is one of the most lucrative ventures to do.

Purely because it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 14.7% from 2020-2027, many brands like Claire have permanently closed their offline stores and moved to online ecommerce platforms.

You can see this shift in tempo across all industries as brands have realized the significance of capturing the online market.

Since almost all brands are looking to enhance their online reach, challenges related to success in the eCommerce industry are coming in.

So, to help you get a perfect start to your eCommerce business, here are seven key factors to remember:


Seven critical factors for success in eCommerce


1.Personalize the customer’s experience 

Customers of 2021 expect you to be street smart in predicting what they want from you. They will type “shoes” and expect you to show them the best shoes from premium brands at affordable rates.

Customers respond to sites that show them products and services that fit their demographics.

A 25-year-old doesn’t expect you to show baggy denim when he searches for the word “jeans.” He expects you to offer skin-fit denim from the best of brands.

So, personalize the customer’s experience according to their demographics.


2.Make your store’s UI enticing. 

Your store’s user interface determines whether or not a user will stay or bounce back. A lousy interface where everything is disarranged can never get the desired results.

Moreover, it would help if you also kept your website’s security up to date. Buy SSL certificate that encrypts all the communication between the web server and the client’s browser.

It will keep the customer’s sensitive data protected and help you comply with Google’s guidelines. There are many types of SSL certificates available in market like single domain, Wildcard certificate, SAN SSL certificate, EV SSL and more. You can choose any as per your website requirements. 

So, create a UI that promises protection and a quality experience.


3. Social media is a goldmine.

The majority of Ecommerce success comes from social media.

Nearly all ecommerce platforms have an active presence on social media purely because of the traction they get.

People from all spheres and demographics are available on social media. From teens to the elderly social media has housed all.

Thus, ecommerce websites leverage social media to its maximum potential. It does require one to come up with different strategies to entice customers but, it is all worth it.

So, leverage social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to showcase your ecommerce store.


4. Display your products/services appropriately.

Many times, users abandon a website due to its rigid navigation system. They do not want to spend 10 minutes understanding how they need to deal with your site before purchasing.

In today’s fast-moving world, your purchase largely depends upon the kind of experience you provide to your customers.

Displaying your products and services appropriately in an orderly fashion will allow customers to look at all of them with ease.

Moreover, navigation should be simple and easy. It should land the user exactly where they intended.


5. Integrate multiple payment options. 

When you are venturing online, you must have a secure and robust payment method to satisfy your customer’s needs.

But not all customers want to pay you through one payment medium. While some customers are laidback and prefer secure payment systems like PayPal, others want to pay through UPI or apps like Razorpay.

So, as a business, you must have many options available so that your customers never fall short of them.

If you have an SSL certificate installed on your website, you can also comply with PCI/DSS guidelines that certify smooth and safe online transactions.


6. Simplify the checkout process.

The checkout process is one of the most critical points where customers feel vulnerable to theft. 

If they see anything suspicious, like redirects to multiple links or pages with no connection with the website, they are more likely to go back and abandon the site. 

If you want to maintain trust and credibility, make sure that your payment method is simple and easy. 

Simple and easy means it should not make multiple redirects, and customers do not have to leave the site to reach the checkout page. 

The best way to deal with this is by choosing an authentic payment partner that makes the payment process hassle-free. 

7. Personalize your content strategies

Content creation is a critical part of attracting new prospects and driving sales.

Search engines like Google value you for the kind of content you have on your website. Faulty, plagiarized content leads to distrust and lower search rankings.

So, frame your website with high-quality content that is customized according to the customer’s needs.

Use words like “You” and “Us” to build conversation and present yourself as a friend to your customers.

Moreover, channelize your social media content creation for a specific audience and not for the masses.


To Conclude 

Presence on eCommerce websites or having one of your own is essential for success in the online spectrum.

Post COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have started making their presence felt online by promoting their products and services.

Although creativity is critical yet if you have your fundamentals (SSL certified website, robust UI, multiple payment methods, easy checkouts) in place, you can build trust and credibility over time.

The online market is dynamic, and as we move ahead, it will pose tough challenges on the business front but, by employing these seven strategies, you can easily sail through the storm.

So, follow these steps and create a concrete base for your ecommerce business to flourish.