Elaine Ball’s Top Tips on How to Turn Your Website Clicks into Revenue

All startups are searching for the ‘holy grail’ of business – real paying customers – and according to one Yorkshire entrepreneur, the best and easiest place to start is your website.

Yorkshire-based business owner Elaine Ball, Founder of Geospatial Marketing Consultancy Elaine Ball Ltd, has spent her career helping like-minded entrepreneurs turn their businesses into a success and amassed decades of experience of running successful businesses.

Some of her success is down to being able to turn her website clicks into revenue.

Elaine, who launched Elaine Ball Ltd in 2013, said: “More and more of us are starting our own businesses, but so many people don’t invest in one crucial thing – a good website.

“That doesn’t just mean making it aesthetic but more importantly, how website clicks will convert to making a profit.”

Elaine, who is the world’s first geospatial marketer, is an expert in increasing revenue for geospatial businesses, and last year defied the odds herself to increase her revenue by 30% despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Elaine said the first thing entrepreneurs should look at on their website is video content.

Communication goes far beyond words and news stories, and Elaine highlights the popularity of video as a channel for engaging with website users and for saying what you need to concisely and effectively.

She added: “I try to update my website and social media with a video every Friday. It is short and sweet, and covers the weeks’ progress. One study on video showed users were 27 times more likely to click through with videos than words. It is more engaging and you can easily demonstrate your products and offering. It doesn’t have to be a Tarantino-style production – a steadily-held smartphone can do the job.”

Elaine’s second tip is to ‘get mobile’. Mobile browsing is more common than desktop, so it is important to make sure potential clients or customers who visit your website aren’t seeing a jumbled mess because it hasn’t been optimised for mobile.

She said: “Consider how it looks on a mobile. How fast is it? Is it easy to navigate? You know how annoying it is when a page doesn’t load on your phone! Make sure yours does.”



Having a clear message – stating exactly ‘what it does on the tin’ – is also a key way to turn your website clicks into revenue. It is important to highlight what makes you the only choice for your potential customers, through identifying their main needs and how you can solve them – and all on your homepage.

Elaine says, however, it is important to be direct with language, and avoid making it an overenthusiastic sales pitch.

“The root of your content needs to answer the customer’s burning question: “Will this get me to my desired situation?”

“If you can demonstrate that you can provide a solution to their problems and get them to their goals faster – with proof that you are capable – then it will be a no-brainer for your clients”.

Elaine’s final tip to turning clicks into profit is to create persuasive copy. The main problem is transferring what you are trying to sell into engaging words on a website.

“A lot of salespeople have the ‘gift of the gab’, but how do you transfer it into salesmanship on your website. I would say invest in a copywriter who can take your brand essence and turn it into an all singing and all dancing text, which makes customers realise that you are exactly what they need.”

You can find out more from Elaine Ball and about Elaine Ball Ltd here: https://www.elaineball.co.uk/