Entrepreneurs That Changed The World Of Robotics

Robotics, once the subject of sci-fi movies, has completely revolutionised the way we live and work. In fact, if you look closely enough, you can probably see robotics all around you.

Whether it’s a robot hoover helping you keep your home clean, a driverless car or a high-tech prosthetic limb, modern robots can be seen in all areas of our lives.


What Was The First Robot Ever Created?


The first robot ever created was called the Unimate. It was developed by George Devol in 1954 and later sold to General Motors to use on their production line.

Unimate was a robot arm that was designed to do repetitive, dangerous tasks in their warehouse. This was the first time a robot was used in industry, and started a global trend of robotics worldwide.


Are Robots Dangerous?


Like with all machines, robots do pose some kind of danger if they malfunction, but they themselves aren’t inherently dangerous. For example, if a robot is working in a factory and performs a task wrong or is approached by an employee, this could cause some harm.

Likewise, if autonomous vehicles or drones have any kind of sensor failure, this could harm people around them. Driverless cars especially can be risky, given they are prone to road accidents.

When it comes to AI driven robots, though science fiction tells us they could rebel, this is something that is being closely monitored by a number of AI companies.

Either way, it’s clear that Robotics has improved many sectors. Let’s take a closer look at the brains behind them….


Joseph Engelberger – The Father of Robotics



Often called the “Father of Robotics,” Joseph F. Engelberger was an American physicist and one of the pioneers of industrial robotics.

Engelberger licenced the patent for Devol’s Unimation and worked to make it a commercial product for industrial companies. From there, he was a strong advocate of using robotic technology across spaces like healthcare, space exploration and wider industry.


Marc Raibert – Boston Dynamics


About | Boston Dynamics


Marc Raibert, founder and former CEO of Boston Dynamics is known for creating robots that can be mobile. Some of his company’s most famous creations were BigDog (a robotic doc) and Atlas (a humanoid robot).

His robots are famous for their ability to walk, navigate complex areas and even perform acrobatics. Raibert has been a huge player in the creation of machines that can replicate and react with the world around them in a more agile way.



Rodney Brooks – Rethink Robotics


Biography of Rodney Brooks | NIST


Rodney Brooks is a big name in the history of robotics, helping to bring robots into the home. One of his most famous inventions is the Roomba robot vacuum, which has become a household name across the world.

After the Roomba, Brooks created his company Rethink Robotics, which focused on creating robots that work alongside humans – helping to create more human-robot collaboration.


Elon Musk – Tesla, SpaceX, and Autonomous Robotics


Elon Musk - Wikipedia


Elon Musk is a household name for a number of reasons, and robotics is one of them.

Through his work at Tesla, he has helped to develop autonomous driving cars that combine AI, robotics and motor technology. His other venture, SpaceX, looks at using robots for space exploration – pushing forwards the boundaries of human innovation.


Melonee Wise – Fetch Robotics and Agility Robotics


Melonee Wise - Agility Robotics | LinkedIn

Melonee Wise is a figure that has helped develop robots for the logistics sector. Her robots were designed to help with warehousing, logistics and manufacturing.

This has allowed warehouses to operate more safely, giving dangerous tasks to robots and allowing humans to focus on more strategic work. Through her innovations, the logistics sector has developed into a more seamless and safer operation.


Sampriti Bhattacharyya – Hydroswarm


Sampriti Bhattacharyya - Navier | LinkedIn


Sampriti Bhattacharyya is a leading innovator in the world of underwater robotics.

As the founder and CEO of Hydroswarm, she developed robotic drones that can explore and map the ocean. Her robots have helped push forward research by navigating hard to reach areas – collecting data that can change the world of science.


Tessa Lau – Dusty Robotics


Tessa Lau - Dusty Robotics | LinkedIn


Founder of Dusty Robotics, Tessa Lau has focused on developing robots for construction work.

Her robots are able to layout sites more accurately, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors. Throughout her career, Lau has contributed to many robotics research companies, solidifying her place in the history books.