What Are Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)?

Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) have revolutionised the way organisations manage their human capital.

This comprehensive software technology combines HR practices with information technology, providing a centralised platform for managing employee data and streamlining HR processes. In this article, we’ll explore the key features of HRIS and understand how they enhance efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in HR management.


What Is HRIS?


Human Resources Information Systems, commonly known as HRIS, refer to software applications that integrate human resources functions and information technology. HRIS acts as a digital database, enabling organisations to store, track, and manage employee information, benefits, performance, and more.

Companies that offer effective HR software include:

  1. Rippling
  2. Deel
  3. BrightHR


What Is the Role of HRIS Platforms?


HRIS platforms provide a wide range of functionalities, including employee onboarding, time and attendance tracking, payroll management, performance evaluations, training and development, benefits administration, and compliance monitoring. These systems often include self service portals, allowing employees to access their personal information, request time off, view pay stubs, and update their details.


What Are the Key Features of HRIS?


HRIS solutions offer several essential features that streamline HR operations and enhance efficiency. We will outline some of their key features down below.


Centralised Employee Databases – HRIS services as a centralised repository for storing and accessing employee data, including personal information, job details, performance records, and more. This eliminates the need for maintaining multiple spreadsheets or physical files.

Time and Attendance Tracking – HRIS automates time and attendance management, allowing employees to log their work hours and enabling supervisors to monitor attendance easily, ensuring accurate timekeeping and simplified payroll processing.

Performance Management – HRIS facilitates performance evaluations and goal setting by providing tools to track and assess employee performance. This feature streamlines the performance review process and supports employee development initiatives.

Benefits Administration – HRIS simplifies benefits enrollment, management, and communication. Employees can view and select their benefits options, while HR administrators can easily track benefits utilisation and update plan information.

Reporting and Analytics – HRIS generates customisable reports and analytics, providing insights into various HR metrics like employee turnover, training effectiveness, and diversity statistics. These reports aid in data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.


What Are the Benefits of HRIS?


Implementing an HRIS offers numerous benefits to organisations, regardless of whether they’re large corporations or small, independent businesses. Keep reading as we outline some of the top benefits of HRIS systems.

Increased Efficiency – HRIS automates time-consuming manual tasks, such as data entry, paperwork, and calculations. This saves HR professionals’ time, allowing them to focus on more strategies initiatives.

Enhanced Accuracy – With a centralised database and automated processes, HRIS reduces the risk of errors in employee data, payroll calculations, and compliance related tasks. This improves data accuracy and minimises costly mistakes, such as incorrect payrolls or non-compliance with labour laws.

Streamlined Processes – HRIS simplifies and streamlines HR processes, making it easier to manage employee data, track attendance, process payroll, administer benefits, and conduct performance evaluations. Being able to manage a wide range of HR processes such as these all in one place leads to smoother operations and improved productivity.

Improved Employee Experience – HRIS platforms often includer self-service portals that empower employees to access and manage their own information. This enhances transparency, allows employees to update their details, view pay stubs, request time off, and participate in employee performance evaluations, resulting in a better employee experience.

Compliance and Data Security


HRIS helps organisations maintain compliance with labour laws and regulations by automating compliance-related tasks and generating accurate reports. These systems also have robust security measures in place to protect sensitive employee information.

Data-Driven Insights

HRIS platforms offer reporting and analytics capabilities, providing valuable insights into HR metrics and trends. HR professionals can analyse data related to employee turnover, training effectiveness, workforce demographics, and more, enabling better decision making and strategic planning.

Cost Savings

While there is an initial investment in implementing an HRIS with an average cost of £154 per user each month, the long-term benefits certainly outweigh the costs. HRIS reduces the need for manual paperwork, minimises errors that can lead to costly penalties, and optimises HR processes, ultimately saving organisations time and money.

Scalability and Adaptability

HRIS systems are designed to accommodate organisational growth and changes. They can easily scale as the company expands, allowing for the addition of new employees, departments, or locations, as well as adapt to evolving HR practices and technology advancements.


Does My Business Need HRIS?


If you’re looking to optimise HR operations, enhance compliance, and improve the overall employee experience, implementing an HRIS is a must for your business, regardless of its size. Human Resources Information Systems have transformed HR management by providing a centralised platform for efficient and accurate employee data management, streamlined processes, and data-driven decision making.

By opting to apply a HRIS to your company’s operations, you can make the entire workplace’s job easier, and allow employees to spend more time on what’s really important to you and your business.