Remote Jobs During Lockdown

A few years ago, remote work seemed like something unrealistic and was the privilege of only highly qualified specialists. Today, everything has changed completely. Because of COVID-19, many people have reconsidered their attitude to remote work, and the demand for many professions has only increased. It is not always necessary to have a specific education or have many years of experience to start making decent money online. It is enough to choose a demanded direction and actively develop your skills.

Working from home is becoming more and more popular from year to year. Many companies try not to invite full-time employees to the office and prefer remote workers or use the services of freelancers. Below we will consider the most popular specialisations in the modern labour market during the lockdown.

Digital Marketing

A digital marketer is a specialist who is responsible for promoting services and various products on the web. Direct responsibilities include instrumental analysis of the market (assessment of the price and demand level, the study of the behavioural factors of the target audience), selection of effective tools that increase sales. This specialist is also engaged in the placement of content that is interesting for potential customers and has excellent communication skills. Read more at Movavi Blog.

If you are familiar with Internet marketing, you are attentive, purposeful, sociable, diligent, ready to study 24/7, test and master new methods of promotion, then you are guaranteed to be successful in this area. This is one of the most popular remote access professions. On the net, you can find many paid and free courses and other useful information for mastering this speciality.

Graphic Designer

It is a demanded specialist in the modern labour market, who is responsible for the development of logos, various thematic images for websites, the creation of presentations, banners, flash-animations, layouts for printed advertising products, etc. This position gives you a chance to reveal your creative potential and allows you to think outside the box.

If you love graphics and everything related to it, then this is definitely your speciality. With a strong desire to study in a relatively short time, you can master the basic tools for interacting with raster and vector pictures, get the skills to draw digital illustrations, and be able to professionally make collages and retouch photos.

There are lots of opportunities for improvement in this area. You can choose any design direction ā€“ from modelling ordinary business cards and advertising posters, to designing websites.

Quality Assurance

A QA specialist is engaged in simulating all kinds of situations in which an app or a website may work incorrectly, and then documents all the weaknesses and sends them to the programmers for revision. In fact, the main tasks are to look for bugs (errors) in the functional and visual parts of the software using various methods, to develop test cases and to be responsible for the quality of the product.

Many sources write that this is the easiest way to enter the IT field, but this is not entirely true. In addition to specialised knowledge and the ability to work with various tools, the job also requires certain personal qualities ā€“ perseverance, attentiveness, critical thinking, and the ability to prove one’s point of view. To become a good specialist, you need to continually study and have at least 3-4 years of experience.


The main duty of a writer is to write (unexpectedly, right?) news, as well as promotional texts for various blogs, websites, social networks, create advertising slogans (naming). The services of this specialist are used by SEO-promotion studios, business owners, online magazines and anyone who needs high-quality text material.

If you are fluent in your native or foreign language, have good writing skills and a huge vocabulary, then this is right for you. Today, almost all sites need interesting and useful expert content, so you can easily find topics that are close to you, which are related to your hobby or direct specialisation. You can write posts for social networks, describe products for online stores, do news overviews, etc.

PPC Marketer

The main task of a PPC marketer is to attract new customers for the business by setting up advertising campaigns in Google. If you master the main search engine tools and learn how to get high sales with a minimal budget, you will not get rid of customers. Well-tuned ads with a wide reach of the target audience bring huge profits to a business.

A good specialist knows how to collect keywords, analyse sites, and conduct ongoing performance analytics. Being a ‘contextologist’ is not so easy, but it is quite interesting and profitable.

System Administrator

Many job seekers are interested in what kind of work they can perform remotely and get a decent salary. A system administrator is responsible for configuring and operating the network, controls the safety of data, monitors, ensures the operation of equipment 24 hours a day. Many modern companies need such employees and are willing to pay a pretty penny.

SEO Specialist

The main tasks of a SEO specialist are to promote sites in the top results of search engines, to eliminate technical problems, search for keywords, and compile a semantic core. The specialist is also responsible for link building, adding thematic content to the resource, setting technical requirements for copywriters and programmers.

A professional in SEO promotion knows how to bring a resource to the first pages of a search engine results quickly and thereby attract the maximum number of potential customers for a business.

Remote job hunting is a daunting task that often comes with ups and downs. In order not to run into scammers and find a really good option, you need to be patient, analyse a lot, and present yourself effectively. The main places where you can find a professional occupation are on the web. These are a lot of popular thematic sites and specialised forums, for instance, Remoters.

Particularly assertive job seekers can personally submit their CVs to companies that interest them. You should not sit and wait to be found, you should take the initiative yourself. All methods are good here: recommendations, online conferences, constant monitoring of employers, etc.

Now you know which professions for remote work are most in-demand, but this, surely, is not a complete list. With due persistence, as well as a great desire to continually develop and improve, you are guaranteed to find your favourite occupation that will bring you a decent income from a distance. It is possible to learn almost everything, the only question is the amount of time spent. Professionals never stop learning new technologies and broadening their horizons.