Try These Search Engines That Compete With Google

Search engines have come a really long way from a development, features and speed point of view. With the first search engine, Archie being created in the 1990s, and the most popular being Google, users now have a range of options to pick from.

Stat Counter reports that as of June this year, Google has a market share of 94.15% in the UK. Also, according to IBIS, the UK search engine industry is estimated to be worth £5.1bn this year, making it a growing market. Startups and big tech alike are working together to. make accessing information a less tedious process.


Google’s GenAI Ventures


Google announced not long ago this year that they will be incorporating the newest big technology, artificial intelligence, into their famous Search. The announcement went into detail on how this integration will bring a better user experience by making the search process more interactive and efficient. This is a new era for search engines, where all work processes are becoming easier and more efficient to research, for users.

Liz Reid, VP, Head of Google Search explained, “This is all made possible by a new Gemini model customised for Google Search. It brings together Gemini’s advanced capabilities — including multi-step reasoning, planning and multimodality — with our best-in-class Search systems.”


Other Search Engines With Interesting Features


Google may be the most widely used engine, but others exist with features that compete with those of Google. Others have better features, depending on each user’s needs and search requirements. All are worth trying out:


1. Arc



Arc Search, created by The Browser Company is a search engine that is in its initial stages, made for quick results and simplicity. This platform has features such as the “Browse For Me” that pulls information together from the web in order to create a tab for users.

There is an ad-blocking feature, for uninterrupted browsing. The platform has a beautiful design and colours that sit well on the eye, making them a direct competitor with other big search engines.


2. iAskAI



This free AI search engine is great from a performance point of view, as it beats other AI models and even humans, in accuracy levels. Using a transformer language model, you can be sure you’re getting factually correct answers. Privacy is an important factor in this platform, as it does not store user data.

Also good at giving accurate responses, so this can substitute both search engines and other AI systems like ChatGPT. iAsk AI is designed to answer questions in natural language, for a less robotic experience of AI.


3. Brave Search



This engine, valued for its privacy features, brings a private search experience that doesn’t track users, or require user data. This is to make sure that data is not collected or shared. It relies on its own independent index for delivering search results, free from big tech biases.

This engine has AI-powered responses for different queries and is available for integration via its API so it can be used across browsers and platforms. It is open source as it promotes transparency in search ranking and remains open for public use without filtering or censoring results.


4. SearchGPT



This OpenAI powered search engine is still in its prototype stages, and combines the AI startup’s abilities with web search. This platform intends to promote collaboration between publishers and creators, as a way of proving users with information while still respecting the profession of journalists.


5. Bing



Bing is a direct Google competitor that is also bringing in new features as time goes by. Features like their “inPrivate search with Edge” and their Flight Simulator are unique to the platform and provide improved experiences for users.

Their popular Copilot AI feature integrates with their search engine, for quicker, more accurate results. Use on any browser for a seamless browsing experience.