What are the Essential Priorities When Building a Website That’s Appealing to Customers

Building a successful website in the highly-competitive markets that online entities face today is no small task. Something as simple as choosing the right theme for a website can take months of research, with larger companies spending millions of pounds on collecting a rich source of data for them to put to use on just a moment’s notice. 

Luckily, for the most part, all of this research and asset allocation is mostly unneeded. There are a few key practices that almost all of the top websites in the UK employ to optimise their web design as much as possible, and just finding out what these are can give prospective businesses a fighting chance of navigating the vicious markets we see today. Let’s jump straight into it.




Maintaining a Professional Image 

Almost every company in the modern-day knows that maintaining a professional image is vital, but few actually know the broad expanse of intricacies that this entails. The notion of maintaining a professional appearance encompasses so many different factors, and in reality, achieving this feat is much easier said than done.

Of course, you have got the classic components of professionalism like having a good name, image, being transparent, and following good business practices, but there are also a plethora of forgotten aspects that factor into this such as having a sleek and simple website or ensuring that all of your services function as optimally as possible. 

To try and list all of the different factors you need to consider when it comes to professionalism would truly be a fruitless venture, and in all truth, there are just way too many to count. However, as long as you ensure every little inch of your website is near-perfect and make sure you don’t gloss over any of the details, you should have no problem maintaining a professional image, and this is going to attract customers to your site in troves.



Entice, But Don’t Mislead

Good copy is an essential boon for any businesses, and neglecting to take care on this front is a critical error that has catastrophic consequences. There is a fine balance when trying to advertise your products/services – you want to entice, but not mislead.

One of the cornerstones of good copywriting is learning how to entice people into buying your products, but if you try to do this to an unrealistic extent, this is going to have the exact opposite effect. People are not dumb; the vast majority of people are not going to buy a pill that can help them lose weight in one day.

You should never exaggerate the effects of whatever you are offering on your website, and this way, you will ensure that you don’t come across as money-hungry or “cash-grabby”. It’s completely fine (and recommended) to give an honest yet enticing description of your services, but there is a fine line that you should not cross.

Luckily, this is not too difficult to achieve. Just put yourself in the customer’s shoes whenever writing/reviewing copy. If you think it sounds like a little too much or not genuine, then you can guarantee that all of your customers will too. This is a key area where so many businesses fail, and as a direct result of this, customers are much more hesitant to purchase anything/return to sites that suffer from this defect.


Learn The Tricks of the Trade

When designing a website, there is an almost incalculable number of tiny details that can make a big difference on how the general public view you and your services. One popular example of this is the “buy now”/”add to cart” debate. 

This phenomenon has been rigorously researched and shows that customers are much more likely to purchase a product when there is a “add to cart” button instead of a “buy it now” alternative, and this is simply due to the fact that people feel less pressured with the former and have less hesitancy when buying. 

There are a ton of similar web design tricks like this that can make a substantial difference in how people perceive a website, and even though any traffic might not realise it, these small changes can have an astronomical effect on a customers overall perception. Learning these minor tricks and implementing them into your web design is such a cost-effective and efficient way to operate, and in the long-run, it will make all the difference when attempting to create an appealing website.

We truly hope we have been able to give you a better idea of how businesses can incorporate user-friendly practices to entice customers to use and buy their services. In reality, this venture is not as hard as some may expect. That’s not to say things will be easy. On the contrary; building an enticing website is likely going to take years of dedication and hardwork, and mastering this aspect of web design is something few businesses achieve. 

However, the core concepts behind creating appetising web design are incredibly simple in nature, and as long as you follow and implement the three steps we mentioned in this article, you should have no problems at all with realising your goals in the future. Good luck.