A Chat with Avinav Nigam, Co-Founder & CEO at TERN Group

TERN will modernise the very broken category of international recruitment & migration.

We are creating legal and ethical recruitment migration pathways across the world.

We came across several horror stories of talented professionals caught in the unethical and unsafe practices prevalent in global migration that employers are often unaware of, and decided to do something about it. .

Perfectly qualified and talented professionals like nurses and care workers from other countries, were being given fake jobs in the UK, and were often out of pocket, paying tens of thousands of pounds to these middlemen.

The urgent need of the hour in the UK is to professionalise global migration, as was demonstrated by the Home Secretary’s announcement on Dec 4th to introduce measures curbing the misuse of immigration rules and cutting illegal immigration, while encouraging only highly qualified legal immigrants into the UK.
The UK however continues to see a big shortage in categories like Healthcare, IT (technology), essential services, hospitality, retail, logistics and real estate.

TERN provides an end-to-end global recruitment & migration platform, so employers sitting in the UK and Germany can easily browse a large database of rigorously screened and verified top 5% talent from the source markets, looking for jobs in the destination country. Employers are easily able to shortlist, schedule, interview and make offers through the system. The visa, compliance and relocation needs are fully taken care of, with transparency at every step. This means, both talents and employers receive a superior, white-glove experience.

TERN completes the end-to-end hiring and relocation faster than hiring someone domestically, which is why we are able to work on it. Hiring your dream employee from halfway across the world is now easy.


How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

TERN has been able to expand operations in multiple markets in a very short timeframe. We are now present across the UK, Germany, India and Dubai with plans to deepen our offering in these markets before expanding further. We have grown 400% in just the last 3 months, and will continue to accelerate, as we are seeing a huge demand for our product amongst both employers and talents.

We have been able to sign some large enterprise contracts, allowing us to have more predictable revenues for the next few years, which is unusual for an early stage startup. We have also been working at the seniormost levels in the NHS to co-create a platform that can be usable at scale by the healthcare sector in the UK.



What can we hope to see from TERN in the future?


TERN will continue to expand the business our healthcare vertical going deeper with the NHS and Private sector in the UK, as well as building deeper Supply relationships and “own the consumer” India as the launch market.

We will further invest into the tech team as we are developing game changing technologies within Artificial Intelligence using LLMs / AGI, Automating workflows, direct integration for documentation and compliance, real-time candidate syncing and collaboration, and extending services to include Talent platform with Self-onboarding, Career counselling and the Client platform with Full Compliance, Relocation support. We will launch our other planned geographies including Australia, Canada and UAE. We will expand further and invest more into our global IT recruitment platform.