A Chat with Lauren Hill, Director of Growth & Strategy at Clinical Logging App for Medics: Logitbox

Designed by doctors for doctors, Logitbox is a clinical logging platform. Logitbox was conceived back in 2013 by Consultant Cardiologist Dr Idris Harding and Ben Rose, infrastructure specialist and husband to a Consultant Obstetrician. Together with app developer Jon Samwell, they set out to build a “Strava for Doctors”.

Doctors have long struggled with effectively storing and evidencing their clinical experience and training. With the demands of hospital life, many reach the end of a training year and scramble to pull together their portfolio of evidence.

Smart, secure and searchable, Logitbox offers doctors a full record of their clinical and non-clinical procedures at their fingertips in a high-precision digital log book. This takes the stress out of training reviews, professional revalidation and subspecialty certification, so doctors can concentrate on caring for patients.

Logitbox - app - dashboard

What do you think makes this company unique?

Logitbox addresses a concrete issue faced daily by doctors who need to be free to focus on saving lives, and not be bogged down worrying about how to capture their experiences on scraps of paper.

In the health and fitness domain, you would be hard pressed to meet a professional athlete not recording their personal training, monitoring their physical progress, setting goals or analysing their past year of activity. You’d expect professionals in other industries to also be maximising their use of performance data to drive their development. However, our archaic healthcare systems have left doctors without the basic tools to record, analyse, compare and subsequently improve their personal clinical performance.

Doctors can now ensure they are developing their clinical experience whilst simultaneously holding their hospitals to account; ensuring they are receiving the highest possible levels of training and exposure to clinical procedures. For our healthcare system, this means better trained and higher performing doctors.

How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

Over the past few years, Logitbox’s user base has grown to over 10,000 users in 43 countries. Our app has over 270,000 medical logs to date and is avidly used by doctors in high procedural specialities such as Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine and Cardiology.

Logitbox has started supporting large medical training institutions in integrating reflective log practices into clinical courses. We are now the exclusive provider of logbook software for the Breast Ultrasound Programme at the University of East Anglia. We are also proud to be building a tailored reflective logbook for the European University Cyprus’ Dental and Medical Schools.

What can we hope to see from Logitbox in the future?

We hope to see Logitbox established as the industry standard for managing clinical training and development at all levels. We hope for its ubiquitous adoption, from medical students observing their first operations, foundation doctors clerking patients and junior doctors on speciality training paths, through to senior consultants logging CPD, research and re-accreditations.

Then, not only will individual clinicians be empowered to manage their personal clinical performance, their data will bring transparency to training pathways and will generate insights that will lead to the overall improvement of healthcare services.


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