A Chat with Lucy Lettice, Co-Founder at Sustainable Menstrual Care Brand: &SISTERS

&SISTERS is a sustainable period care startup taking the world by storm! We offer the fullest range of organic cotton sustainable period care in the UK, because at the heart of our mission is making sure everyone is supported in their menstrual needs without harming the planet.

The sisterhood is both a community and a movement to say that sisters deserve more.


Introducing &SISTERS, the UK's first certified organic cotton customisable  period care subscription box


How did you come up with the idea for the company?


Prior to launching &SISTERS, my mum and co-founder Claire discovered that UNICEF estimates that at least 1 in 10 girls in Africa and India miss or drop out of school because of their periods. &SISTERS was borne of shock at these facts, with the mission to #endperiodpoverty, and to empower women and girls across the globe.



How has the company evolved during the pandemic?


We have grown massively. There were just three of us before the pandemic started, still working out of Claire’s kitchen. Now we are a small but mighty team of seven in a real office. We have gone from a small group of superfans to being stocked in Ocado, Booths and Gorillas while still scaling our D2C significantly. The last year has been a bit of a whirlwind!


What can we hope to see from &SISTERS in the future?


Hopefully, you will be seeing us everywhere! We want to be there to offer consumers the support and choice to make decisions based on what is best for their menstrual wellbeing. That means the physical product, but also our new virtual sister digital product we are launching next year.

There is such a knowledge drought on menstrual wellbeing in our society and we want to be that presence that our customers know they can always turn to for support. We are planning to be a well of expert knowledge and a platform for peer support for everything from crazy hormones to endometriosis.