A Chat With Nick Purewal, CEO and Co-Founder of Same-Day Dating App: ToDate

ToDate is a same-day dating app that allows people to go on dates with others who have mutual interests and are free at the same time. Too often, legacy dating apps encourage people to waste time swiping and messaging for days, weeks, or even months without ever actually going on a date.

Those who are serious don’t want to mess around and they want to find people who share similar interests to meet for a drink or go to an art gallery, and that is what ToDate is set up to deliver.  Additionally, all users have to be ID verified in order to use the app and we have eliminated catfishing through the use of photo recognition software.




What inspired you to create the company?

I felt that the existing apps in the market had people spending too much time on their phones and attract too many time wasters just looking for something to do. ToDate aims to be the app that people only use on a day they are free and actually want to go on a date, as opposed to others which consist of hours of swiping and small talk which often leads nowhere. We want people that are intent on going on a real date and getting to know people in person.



In a saturated market, what makes ToDate different?

What makes ToDate different is that we’re all about streamlining dating processes. We have all heard of so many stories of people on dating apps having conversations for days and weeks on end to no avail. It’s just a waste of time! If you can get out on a date you can have a real connection instead of spending so much time thinking of the perfect reply. Our matches disappear at the end of the day to prevent the process being dragged out – it is all about getting out there and meeting people on dates you want to go on!


What safeguards do you have in place to protect users? 

Each user is fully ID verified from the beginning as this is an important feature for online dating to protect people. We believe this will be included as standard on other dating apps over the coming years. ToDate also uses facial recognition software to eliminate catfishing and ensure that each person is going to be who their pictures show they are, protecting our users as well as eliminating the risk of time wasters. Dating can make people vulnerable, and we aim to make it a safe environment for those using our app.


What lessons have you learned during your journey?

To be patient and that things aren’t going to turn out how you planned from the start, for better and for worse. We have had hiccups here and there, as any start-up company does, and a lot of sleepless nights but we passionately believe we can make a real imprint on the market and improve people’s dating experiences and that has been a key driver in our journey.


What advice would you offer other entrepreneurs?

Not to take things too personally. Not everyone is going to like your product or service and people are going to criticise you along the way for trying to start something from scratch. It can be really disheartening at times but as long as you and those around you believe in what you are doing then don’t let the negativity get you down. This is easier said than done but creating a positive experience for your customers is worth it!


Where do you see the company in the next five years?

Hopefully, ToDate can be a global force in 5 years time, setting the standard for same-day dating and safety. We’re just getting started and we have ambitious goals but we’re also following realistic internal targets and taking out development month by month to ensure we provide the best possible service to those looking to get out there and date.