A Chat with Nicolai Elmqvist, CEO and Co-Founder at SaaS Start-Up: Arkyn

Arkyn is a Copenhagen-based, B2B SaaS company providing a best-in-class iOS app suite and amazing mobile user experiences for enterprise SAP users. The company is on a mission to make it easier for everyone to use SAP.

SAP is a super powerful enterprise software where you can get access to insights across the company, and work process templates for almost any department are available out of the box.

…but there is a big problem.

While SAP is built for super-users in the back office, more and more employees need to work in SAP as well. For thousands of non-IT savvy blue-collar workers in the field and on the factory floor, this suddenly creates a lot of hassle, and they are simply not capable of working in SAP.

Consequences are poor reporting quality of work performed, lack of knowledge-sharing as it’s hard to find the right information, ineffective workarounds like paper forms, extra staff to move data in and out of SAP, and much more.

To overcome the problems, enterprises have tried out long and expensive SAP IT training courses, workarounds with data-storage outside of SAP as well as custom IT solutions that are expensive to maintain and, in many cases, fail, either due to the complexity of SAP or lack of performance at scale.

A recent study shows that out of a total number of failed IT projects in large organizations, 70% fail because of a lack of internal employee adoption, either due to poor user experience or performance issues. That’s millions of dollars going down the drain every year.


How did you come up with the idea for Arkyn?

For more than 15 years the founders have been working with design thinking and mobile interfaces for SAP. Previously they were running an IT consultancy called Invokers that in 2019 was acquired by Trifork, a European 1000 people IT consultancy.

Invokers continued under the name Trifork Smart Enterprise and a new product company called Arkyn was incubated through Trifork Labs which is investing in tech start-ups.

Based on previous experience with large enterprises and a case study for Vestas showcased by Apple where they claim to have saved 400.000 hours per year, it made sense to focus on bringing these mobile enterprise solutions to the market as a SaaS-based product company that could deliver this as pre-developed solutions.

Two things make Arkyn unique:

1. The focus is on building the absolute best apps for iOS utilising the core hardware features on Apple devices.

2. Arkyn is providing a middleware that enables outstanding performance, real-time synchronization of data, offline support, and very short implementation time with the customer’s SAP on-premises installation. A competitive advantage in the enterprise space.


How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

After the first two years in the market, Arkyn has been spent on product development and onboarding the first few customers like BaneDanmark and Viking. We have finalized a product app suite consisting of 4 apps and raised €3.8 million Seed round in April 2022.

What can we hope to see from Arkyn in the future?

In the future, Arkyn will extend the number of offerings in their app suite and support other types of ERP software integrations like Salesforce, Oracle, Infor, and more. But first, the plan is to expand across Europe within the manufacturing and transportation industries.