A Chat with Owen Keenan-Lindsey, Founder and CEO at Assimilated International

Assimilated International started as a result of two wild weeks in Ibiza when I was on a 14-month gardening leave period with my former employer Olive Communications (Now part of Onecom).

I had long wanted to provide a more integrated telecommunications service to global organizations, the only real player in the UK with an offering of that nature was Vodafone Global but their service was disjointed and offered very few benefits for central purchasing and management.

I had been weighing my options for quite some time but after going to Ibiza for two weeks with a friend involved in the same industry and exorcizing all my partying demons I put the plan into action. We are currently able to serve every country in the world to some degree but we focus on the UK, USA and European markets as those are the ones we are currently most competitive in.

We have operations in the UK, USA, France & Portugal and are in the process of launching operations in Spain. We have voice agreements in place throughout Europe however and have data agreements worldwide.

What makes Assimilated International unique?

We provide a centralized telecommunications service desk to our customers with direct network links, fully automated service offerings, hardware & inventory management and all of this is fully funded through network subscriptions ensuring the customer ends up paying the same or less when switching to us while gaining significant operational efficiency benefits.

We are the only player to be able to offer such a wide range of services with a single global account team and unified billing and service platforms.


How has Assimilated International evolved over the last couple of years?

We have significantly expanded our product offering to mean that all mobile data in any country in the world is now local mobile data (as opposed to roamed) provided via our Global Telecom Networks offering.

We have launched 2 MVNOs in France and the UK both running on the best available data infrastructure in each country with full network control and capability both of these are also on our Global Telecom Networks brand and we are signing new agreements each month further expanding our both our capability and competitiveness within smaller but strategically important markets.

What can we hope to see from Assimilated International in the future?

Every project we have in the works is designed around automation, improved logistics and faster data.

We want to get devices to people faster and allow their existing IT infrastructure & helpdesks to manage all aspects of their deployments more efficiently than any other endpoints in the business whilst ensuring that users can enjoy the best possible experience with maximum coverage without fear of excessive costs.

We have several additions to our automation suite launching this year to get us closer to these goals and have some major partnerships in the pipeline that will get drive significantly enhanced customer value and cost-saving opportunities.