A Chat with Patrick Baptista Pinto, Co-Founder at Really Clever: The Start-up Creating Vegan Leather Out Of Mushrooms

Really Clever is a startup that creates plant based leather biomaterial out of mycelium. Mycelium is a root-like structure of a fungus that resembles a thread. We sell our biomaterial onto fashion brands who create alternative vegan products for consumers.



What do you think makes this company unique?


The positive benefits of mushroom leather on the planet have been scientifically proven, however, it’s historically been expensive and has only been used by luxury brands.

We wanted to create mushroom material leather that could be sold at an accessible price point so that everyday people would be able to buy. This is something that my Co-founder and I are very passionate about.



How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?


We’re a relatively new company, having only launched this year, but we’ve grown quickly. Like most startups, we started off scrappy and were laser focused on building our product and now that the product is ready, we are focused on getting fashion brands on board and using the biomaterial to create mushroom material leather ranges. We’re already in talks with a number of well-known brands.


What can we hope to see from Really Clever in the future?


We’re in talks with a number of well-known apparel brands, so our mushroom material leather biomaterial will help to make mushroom material leather mainstream and affordable. And, we’re planning to open a large-scale lab soon, which the team is very excited about.

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