A Chat with Philip Braham, Founder at Hirely Health

Phillip Hirely Health

Tell us about Hirely Health


Hirely Health is a revolutionary healthcare talent marketplace that empowers candidates by flipping the traditional job search model on its head. Instead of the all-too-familiar grind where candidates scour listings and send applications into the void, we take a candidate-first approach.

Here, recruiters reach out to candidates with opportunities that match their expertise and career aspirations. At Hirely Health, it’s all about giving control back to the healthcare professionals.


Hirely Health | LinkedIn


How did you come up with the idea for the company?


The inspiration for Hirely Health came from my experiences as the founder and CEO of a traditional healthcare recruitment agency. After selling the agency, I couldn’t shake away the insight I gained into the inherent pain points of the industry.

From this vantage point, Hirely Health was born—a platform uniquely centered on healthcare, providing a service that stands alone in the market for its dedication and innovation.



How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?


The growth trajectory of Hirely Health has been marked by significant advancements. Originally focusing solely on permanent roles within the UK, we recognized the changing tides of the industry and expanded our services to cater to international candidates and those seeking temporary positions.

This strategic evolution reflects our commitment to inclusivity and adapting to the diverse needs of healthcare talents and employers alike.


What can we hope to see from Hirely Health in the future?


Looking ahead, I envision Hirely Health transcending its current boundaries and establishing a robust global presence. We’ve laid the groundwork by entering the American market, and plans for expanding into other markets like Australia and Canada are on the table.

Furthermore, we’re betting big on AI technology to streamline and enhance the experience for both sides of the hiring equation on our platform, ensuring efficiency, precision, and satisfaction all around.