A Chat with Ryan Swann, Founder at Risk Management Platform: RiskSmart,

Ryan Swann

RiskSmart is an all-new risk management platform designed specifically for SMEs. Sounds simple, right?

We’re not just here to make the lives of underserved risk professionals easier. We’re here to help them excel at their work, allowing them to get the recognition they deserve and taking their business’s risk management to the next level. But on a technical level, RiskSmart is a far more advanced piece of tech than has previously graced the GRC world.

It provides a hub for all things risk management: an in-built library of customisable risks; quantifiable risk scores so you know when to take action; data-driven insights for smarter decision making; and our very own artificial intelligence, ARi, that helps ensure your risk management is future-facing.

In order to tackle today’s challenging economic climate, businesses need empowering. Managing risks with confidence is critical to growth – and that’s exactly what RiskSmart is here to do.


What do you think makes this company unique?

There are three things that set RiskSmart – both as a platform and a team – apart.

First: simplicity. For us, this is the big one. We’re dedicating all our efforts towards making sure the user experience is as clean and intuitive as possible. By focusing on the end user at all times, we’re creating a genuinely amazing platform experience. This philosophy carries over into RiskSmart’s voice, too. Risk management is filled with jargon and corporate fluff, all of which stand in the way of risks being, well… managed. We’re not about that. Normalising language and having important discussions without the filler – that’s our agenda.

Next up is artificial intelligence. Our dedicated risk scores put the science back into risk management, with clear, actionable insights, all courtesy of ARi, our in-house artificial risk intelligence.

Last but not least is the fact that we work how you work. The best risk management is agile and adaptable. We are, too. Whether you need support from us or simply for RiskSmart to slot in alongside your existing tech, we’ve got you covered.


How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

An idea scribbled down on paper. An emerging start-up with over £1m in funding and a growing team. Two years ago, we were the former. Now we’re the latter.

Our vision has been realised, and our growth has been beyond what we could possibly wish for – now it’s about continuing down that path. The RiskSmart brand is out in the wild, which is something we could have barely imagined even at the start of 2022.

What can we hope to see from RiskSmart in the future?

Our initial goals are humble, but long term, we envision RiskSmart being a household name – the Xero for risk management.

We’re proud to be part of a thriving RegTech scene, and as risk management continues to grow in importance, we hope to be the ones to spearhead RiskTech for SMEs.

We want to also build a thriving community of risk professionals who support each other and wear their passion for GRC on their sleeves.