A Chat with Becks Perfect, Founder at NFT Educational Resource: Nifty World NFT

Becks Perfect

Nifty World NFT, an educational resource on YouTube for both collectors and creators of NFTs to learn about this emerging and growing tech space, it is also a future Metaverse Media company helping to support Web2 brands launch within the Web3 space.

The aim of Nifty World NFT is to make NFTs and Web3 easy for everyone to understand and implement.

How did you come up with the idea for the company?

I’ve been a broadcaster and tech pundit for over a decade and in early 2021 I discovered NFTs. Having invested in traditional art, the idea of opportunities for digital assets was very appealing. I also realised that looking at what NFTs were doing allowed consumers to make strategic investments which weren’t as siloed as stock investments or cryptocurrency as it was built on foundations of community investing.

I started to develop trusted content which helped break down what is quite complicated technology so that it could encourage more people to step into the space. I am told that I was the first female YouTuber about NFTs and as a result continued to build on this and adapt the channel as the space adapted also before building out a separate consultancy side of the business also.


How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

Over the last 18 months I’ve become a successful educational advisory service to people in this space and have progressed into consulting, initially for creators in the space and now traditional businesses and brands looking to progress into Web3. I’ve spoken on some of the biggest stages around Web3 from Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to the Citi Bank Digital Money Symposium and NFT NYC.

What can we hope to see from NIFTY WORLD NFT in the future?

As the Web3 space becomes more developed, Nifty World NFT’s aim is to really focus on helping businesses across all types of industries transition successfully into the Web3 space, this will be covering everything from how NFTs can increase customer loyalty and fan bases through to migrating into the Metaverse for a digital / IRL hybrid working system.

We are a growing Metaverse media company which means we’ll service businesses and brands in all key areas of Web3 from its infancy to future opportunities.