Interview with Chris Robinson, Managing Director at Adtrak

Adtrak is a leading digital marketing agency based in the heart of Nottingham. As a full-service agency, we offer a complete range of digital services and craft results-driven strategies to help businesses grow and reach their goals. 

Established in 1997, we specialise in service industry sectors. We work in partnership with our clients, working hard to understand their goals and deliver the measurable, sustained and profitable results they need.

We combine carefully-strategised marketing with performance-driven website design to help our clients increase their lead generation and enjoy real, visible growth. From SEO to paid marketing, branding and content, we can provide everything that businesses need to help them grow to the next level. 


How did you come up with the idea for the company?

I always love telling people about this because the reasons and principles for creating Adtrak 23 years ago are still relevant and have meant we have become the company that we are today. 

We came up with the idea because we saw an opportunity to track the number of calls from businesses’ adverts. Tracking adverts was our USP (which is where ‘Adtrak’ came from) and showing businesses how well their ads were performing was vital to showing a return on their investment. We knew Adtrak could provide this service to maximise their marketing and help businesses generate more sales as well as save money, which is still a very common goal for our clients today.

Naturally, we now track and monitor the performance of the websites we create and the digital marketing that we undertake. This allows a lot of our clients to see what they are achieving with their spend and establishes more trust in Adtrak’s efforts. As a result, our services have evolved with the internet and we pride ourselves on sticking to these principles of showing value and getting results for our clients.


What advice would you give to other aspiring entrepreneurs?


When you spot an opportunity in the marketplace you have to go for it. We were quick to create our business because not many businesses were providing the necessary service. Fast forward 23 years, and there are a lot of companies in the same market, but because we were quick to spot the gap and move into it, we’ve established ourselves as one of the most successful agencies in the UK, with countless happy clients. 


What can we hope to see from Adtrak in the future?


Having a business in the digital industry is a blessing and a curse. Digital technology is constantly changing, so businesses within the industry have to be on their toes to anticipate the next big trends and products – voice technology and artificial intelligence is something that we are keeping our eye on, for example. But we don’t want to just create products and services just because the technology is there; we want to create products and services that help our clients grow.