Interview with Tobi Asare, Founder of My Bump Pay

We caught up with Tobi Asare, Founder of My Bump Pay to talk about how her own experiences led to setting up a company to help women smash the glass ceiling with a baby on the way…

Tell us about My Bump Pay

My Bump Pay is a community-based platform that helps women smash the glass ceiling with a baby on the way and beyond. Helping women with the confidence to achieve career success before pregnancy, during and after a baby through lots of helpful online resources.

Through My Bump Pay, I have created the very first postnatal and antenatal online masterclass and resources for women who intend to be and are mothers, to guide them through how to set themselves up for career success during their pregnancy and after a baby.

How did you come up with the idea for the company?

The idea was inspired largely through my own experience. I was the first person in my office location to go through the whole maternity leave process, which was a real learning curve. HR were brilliant at filling me in on all the information around the process of maternity leave. But like many ambitious women in this position, I had concerns about my career. I became obsessed with learning more about how I could build a successful career with a baby on the way and after. The more I lived through this experience and spoke to many women. I realised there was a lot of fear probably due to the fact that we hear a number of negative stories about the demise of women’s careers after a baby, but not a lot of information specifically showing women how you can navigate your way to success in a way that was fun, relatable and empowering for the modern woman.

What is the main obstacle you think women face during pregnancy in regards to their careers?

The main obstacle is probably the assumption that women when pregnant no longer regard their careers as important. I speak to thousands of women every week and I can tell you that it is the very opposite. These women are fuelled and driven to succeed and ultimately want to give their families the very best simultaneously.

What advice would you give to other women looking to start a business?

Be prepared to put in the work, but also know that you can’t do it all yourself. Pull in resources to help you along the way, that could be a laundry service or a cleaner. The investment you put into outsourcing will help you immensely. As a Mum time is our biggest challenge, so don’t be afraid to invest in things that help to create more time. Also do it afraid! Go for it, keep trying new things, keep learning and evolving. My Bump Pay has changed so much from where it started and I am so grateful for everything I have learnt along the way.

What does the future hold for my bump pay?

The future is exciting. I am growing a beautiful and super ambitious community of women ready to excel in all walks of life. You can expect more masterclasses helping women smash the glass ceiling with a baby on the way and beyond. Also in the works is planning for some small and intimate real life events when government guidelines allow us too.