Jason Ash, Young Planet Founder and Sustainability60 Judge, Explains What He’s Looking For From Entrants

Tell us about yourself

On the heels of a 20year career in FMCG across 6 countries and many household brands, I had a massive inflection point that led me to pivot away from convincing people to eat and drink more to starting a business called YoungPlanet.

This allowed me to channel my experiences and capability into an organisation that uses technology to address our biggest challenge – and there are many in today’s world – but nothing is bigger than our current path of wasteful over consumption of the world’s resources to the point of it’s collapse.

We created YoungPlanet, a now multi national app that that enables parents to put no longer used children’s things to good use with new families and away from landfill, for free specifically to address this.
YoungPlanet - Give and receive children's stuff for free

What are you looking for from this year’s Sustainability60 entrants?

Real ambition and a clear vision for multi generational change – we need it. That, combined with a financially sustainable business model because that’s what will facilitate it happening.


What advice would you give to companies wanting to stand out from the crowd?

Challenge yourself, constantly – is what you’re doing sufficiently different? Is it demonstrably better? And will it make the difference you seek to make in the world. And be honest!

To apply to this year’s Sustainability60 competition, click here.