Interview with Josh Hough, MD at Home Care Management System: CareLineLive

CareLineLive is an all-in-one cloud-based home care management system that provides home care agencies ‘more time to care’.

Our software improves efficiency and capacity by digitising workflows and automating processes such as rostering, invoicing and payroll; saving home care agencies time and money.

It’s designed to not only complete the ‘circle of care’ between carers, clients, family, and key stakeholders but also to give carers more ‘time to care’, keeping them informed in real-time of their clients’ needs enabling them to provide a better level of care.
CareLineLive partners with Hastee to offer 'earnings on demand' for carers  working in home care agencies – Care Talk

How did you come up with the idea for the company?

When my grandfather was receiving care, I found it frustrating that because I lived far away from him I had no understanding of what was going on.

Concurrently, we were providing IT solutions to a home care agency and realised that there were huge inefficiencies in the home care sector with regards to processes and care delivery.

By building a platform that automated processes, we could improve compliance, and by digitising the paper timesheets and Medication Administration Records (MAR) charts, home agencies could have more accountability, spend less time on paper-based administration and be more responsive to potential safeguarding concerns with our real-time alerts. It was evident that the social care sector needed an all-in-one solution that could help them deliver better person-centred care.


How has the company evolved during the pandemic?

We’ve seen significant growth, both from new and existing customers, due to the benefits that our cloud-based home care software has delivered to home care providers during COVID-19.

Like most companies, we have adapted to remote onboarding but ensured our customers are fully supported with access to our customer support team via email and telephone.

Our customers have benefitted from being able to easily remote work with CareLineLive and their clients’ care has not been disrupted. Our Carer Companion App has ensured enhanced real-time communication between managers and carers with some managers using the call monitoring feature to locate their carers for socially distanced PPE deliveries.

At the start of the pandemic, we updated our software to include quick reference information about COVID-19 symptoms and hygiene prompts to help keep our customers’ carers and clients safe.

Whilst visits have been restricted, there has also been an increased usage of our Family & Friends portal which keeps families updated about a loved one’s care.

What can we hope to see from CareLineLive in the future?  

Over the coming months, we’re launching our Patient Welfare modules. These will allow for increased digitisation of paper care records and allow us to start monitoring Patient Welfare. We’ll also use machine learning and AI to deliver insights that predict deterioration in health before it becomes a problem.

Looking forward 12-18 months, we want to integrate IoT devices into CareLineLive which will provide even more detail and comfort to the family and friends of the elderly and vulnerable and result in increased person-centered care.