Meet Carlos Real, Managing Director at Premium Lawn Care Business: TotalLawn

TotalLawn is a premium lawn care business, offering a range of lawn feeds, seeds, and lawn treatments that are scientifically engineered to be the best on the market. In under two years we’ve gone from zero to 30,000+ customers who are enjoying greener, thicker and healthier lawns as a result.




How did you come up with the idea for the company?


TotalLawn was founded in 2020 after I identified that lawn care products on the market were all very similar, and didn’t really work for long term lawn health,  despite massive variations in price. The gap in the market gave us huge potential, so we liaised with chemical manufacturers to come up with a formula that was scientifically superior to  anything else on the domestic market.

The formula created uses ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that gives the grass the correct amounts of nutrients that it needs, at the right time of the year, opting for a slow release of nitrogen to prevent an overdose of nitrogen on the lawn that would otherwise quickly cause nitrogen withdrawal and discoloured grass. The winning formula also includes calcium oxide, which is rarely used in fertilisers due to its expense, but its addition will benefit lawns in the long run, as over time it will require less fertiliser to grow.

Previously, fertiliser was only available in large bags, and we wanted to sell products that were the ideal size for the average lawn, so most of our products are available in 1kg and 2kg bags instead – separating us from the competition.



How has TotalLawn evolved over the last couple of years?


Having only been founded in 2020, TotalLawn is still in its early years. We have introduced a varied product range, from lawn seed, feed and fertiliser, to green-up treatments, to seaweed and disease treatments. Our Luxury Lawn Feed has since become the third best-selling fertiliser product on Amazon, with a huge uptake from professional lawn care technicians.

Having gained over 30,000 customers in the first 18 months, we have since received a multi-million pound valuation. To deal with demand, we now have four full time staff and six flexible warehouse staff.


What can we hope to see from TotalLawn in the future?


We have some exciting plans coming up in the next few years, including a revolutionary and never-seen-before technology platform for your lawn care management and further improvements to our formulas to stay ahead of the competition.