Meet Kate Kurdziej, Founder at Online Business Management Company: Olivier Consultancy

Kate Kurdziej

Olivier Consultancy provides much needed practical guidance when you’re in the messy middle of your online service-based business journey. I’ve seen time and time again a block that female entrepreneurs face when they have a full book of clients and need an extra 3 hours a day to get everything done- client work, business admin, childcare the list goes on!

I help you design the business that you left your 9-5 for and create a practical roadmap of how to actually get there. I’m not a coach- I know you can do it, you know you can do it- but you’re in the thick of it and you need tangible steps to clean up your messy and time consuming business operations, build a small but mighty team and step back from the day to day tasks which takeover your business- you get to regain control and move forward as a leader.

I work with a wide variety of service-based entrepreneurs including lawyers, doctors, accountants, consultants, coaches and VAs to name a few!

Olivier Consultancy – Online Business Management

How did you come up with the idea for the company?

12+ years of operations, tech & systems experience coupled with a toxic workplace whilst pregnant meant that something had to change- there was NO WAY I was going back to that life!

My newborn son was the catalyst I needed to realise a long-held dream of running my own business. His name is Oliver and we were about to move to France- so Olivier Consultancy was born.

We all need a little guidance on our journeys, so I was on a mission to support other female entrepreneurs achieve their dreams too and now was my time to step up and make it happen. I love seeing my clients redress the balance in their business, feel more calm and able to see a clear path with the right business operations in place.

How has the company evolved over the last couple of years?

My first client was a Dubsado system set up for peanuts- I think I charged about 20% of what I later went on to charge!! I began by working during Oliver’s nap times or with him in a sling strapped to me. I look back on those times now and smile, but it was tough and a steep learning curve.

Now usually booked out 3 months in advance, in less than 2 years I’ve fully stepped in to my niche as the systems expert- designing user friendly workflows and automations that put your clients at the centre of everything. I’m also passionate about showcasing that women in tech rule! And that developing your awareness of HOW your business actually runs results in higher profits and a more sustainable business model.

I’ve now surpassed my corporate salary as Practice Manager of a wealth management company and as well as providing live group training on platforms such as Dubsado and ClickUp and working on retainer for a select number of clients to keep their online businesses streamlined and profitable.

The company started in the UK and I now live and work in my dream house in France- consulting with my lovely clients and supporting their business dreams.

What can we hope to see from Olivier Consultancy in the future?

I’m currently working on lower cost self-study courses and templates for Q4 2022 as I want my services to be accessible to all female entrepreneurs- no matter which stage of business or how much you have to invest. As women in business, we can do anything, but not everything and I’m here to show you the way forward when you’re ready to move on to the next chapter of your business, but don’t quite know how to by yourself.


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