Meet Founder and CEO Maxim Sachs and Co-Founder and COO Tristan Some from Arkmon

Tell us about Arkmon?

Arkmon is a Dutch startup focused on making investing in cryptocurrencies less risky and more profitable for everyone. Through our platform, you can effectively turn your portfolio into a personalised and optimised index. We make advanced trading algorithms and systematic approaches available as an easy-to-use plugin to your exchange account. Currently we fully support the Kraken exchange, but more will come in the future. Our Arkmon Smart Index currently shows double the average daily return compared to Bitcoin, while being less volatile.


How did you come up with the idea?

We started this project at first for ourselves, to be able to better track and monitor our personal crypto investments in the early days of crypto. However, over time a large database with billions of datapoints was collected, which we started to analyse for patterns and effective strategies. Our friends asked to join to use the system as well, and so it was a natural progression for us to bring it to market as a startup. We have always had a personal interest in the inner workings of financial markets, and with crypto the barrier of entry finally got lowered so everyone could participate.


How did it change over time?

As we both come from an Aerospace engineering background, we not only have a deep-seated passion for innovation but also a genuine concern for the environment. Initially, we might have “over-engineered” the system. But through the amazing feedback of our early beta users, we were able to really understand the needs of everyday crypto investors. We discovered that it’s not just about the returns for users, but also the environmental and social impact of their investments. This resonated with our beliefs too. We designed the system so every user can adjust their portfolios to easily reflect their personal values while we do the heavy lifting of filtering out the pitfalls of crypto investing. We are currently working on the finishing touches to our 2.0 version, aiming to make it easier for all users to understand and further assist them in analyzing their portfolio and historical performance effortlessly. We hope to release this improved version soon.

What will change in the future?

We are very excited for the long-term. We have received tremendous feedback from our users and can see this reflected in our fantastic retention as well. We hope to expand our algorithm selection soon – we are looking at cryptocurrency futures markets, which are looking promising to achieve an even better risk to return performance, once fully integrated in our system. We hope to see crypto investing becoming increasingly accessible, with ensured sustainability for the environment.