Meet Neil Barua, CEO at Field Service Management Software Company: ServiceMax

ServiceMax is a leading provider of asset-centric field service management (FSM) software. We help service professionals add value to their company’s bottom line through reduced maintenance costs, predictive maintenance monitoring, more accurate service provision, and upsell opportunities.

Previously, many companies relied on manual, paper-based processes for service, which was inefficient, expensive, and difficult to manage warranties, contracts, service insights, and knowledge sharing. Customers use our software to support a wide range of equipment from MRI machines in hospitals and elevators in shopping malls to wind turbines and manufacturing equipment.

ServiceMax software helps the world go round. Every second, a field service work order is generated using ServiceMax software.

As a cloud-native, mobile-first FSM software provider, we enable our enterprise customers to automate and connect critical workflows related to field service operations, keep a comprehensive view of equipment assets in the field, and drive more efficient and effective service organizations.

Our software addresses customer challenges across a diverse set of industries, including medical devices and healthcare, industrials, high-tech manufacturing, construction and building maintenance, power and utilities, and oil and gas.

Using our software, customers keep complex, critical equipment running, and optimize their service operations so they can better manage the complexities of service, support faster growth, and run more profitable outcome-centric businesses.
ServiceMax - 2022 Reviews, Pricing, Features

What makes your company unique?

We are the only pure-play FSM company, we focus on asset-centric use cases, and our software helps to keep the world running. We’ve been able to balance profitability and growth and therefore have managed to avoid any layoffs over the past three tumultuous years.

We’re growing at 20-35% and have generated $180 million in revenue in the last 12 months alone. We also have great NPS scores and deliver strong ROI for our customers. Pitney Bowes, for example, increased its service revenue by $1M in the first year and decreased service inventory by $4.7M in two years using ServiceMax.


How has your company evolved over the last couple of years?

Since I became CEO in 2019, we’ve almost doubled the number of female leaders in the company globally from 35% to 60% and added more female board members.

From a growth perspective, we acquired LiquidFrameworks and Zinc, adding oil & gas products and real-time communication to our portfolio.

From a product perspective, we’ve evolved from point solutions to a robust platform. We’ve launched ServiceMax Asset 360 for Salesforce, which delivers complete visibility into assets in the field so companies can maximize asset performance. We’ve launched DataGuide to provide native advanced forms and report generation and Engage to connect service organizations with their end customers.

In addition to our product innovation, we’re also ready to go public when the timing is right.

What can we hope to see from ServiceMax in the future?

ServiceMax will further help companies leverage service data to pursue new revenue streams, and business models, and take advantage of AI technologies. We’re continually innovating and focused on adding value.