Interview with Niki Trigoni, CTO & Co-Founder at Navenio

Navenio provides infrastructure-free indoor location solutions, the equivalent of GPS for use indoors, to power a range of apps and platforms in sectors including healthcare.

One area where Navenio’s Intelligent Workforce Solution is being employed is at NHS sites, including the East Kent NHS Foundation Trust, and private hospitals such as the Cleveland Clinic London. Our technology uses personal smartphones to map where people are in the hospital and then teams are able to schedule tasks depending on location and availability.

Teams that utilise the Navenio solution have reported that it has helped to double capacity, increase productivity, and improve service levels with faster response time, all factors which lead to better patient outcomes and staff experiences.
Navenio - Current Openings

How did the company start?

Navenio was spun out of award-winning and world-leading research from the University of Oxford, with the City widely recognised as one of the UK’s leading technology hubs.
I am currently a Professor of Computer Science at the University, where I lead the Cyber-Physical Systems Group. With over 15 years in the space, I decided to join forces with Tim Weil to deliver hospitals, software vendors and regulators with a new location-based approach to efficiency.

Whilst many have tried to change the way they work, few have focused on optimising supporting teams that provide the indoor logistics which underpin the flow of their businesses. Following success in the UK, we are now building Navenio to change the global healthcare landscape and beyond.


How has the company evolved during the pandemic?

Navenio’s tech has really come into its own during the pandemic, with the app able to prompt staff to wash hands and sanitise, as well as direct resources for rapid response cleaning when necessary. With COVID-19 still presenting significant challenges to healthcare systems, we’ve learned how to dramatically improve patient flow within hospitals around the UK by prioritising tasks for individual teams.

As a team, we’ve adapted well to working remotely. Even though it is naturally an incredibly busy time for us, COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance of efficiency and transparency in patient care more than ever before.

What can we hope to see from Navenio in the future?

The whole team is incredibly excited about the future of Navenio. We are at the forefront of innovation in the healthcare sector and in this challenging time, we have been able to help and provide benefit to the teams that are fighting on the front line. Our indoor location and workforce solution will continue to play a significant role as hospitals come out of the other side of COVID-19.

In terms of the business, we are now looking to increase the scope of our offering here in the UK, as well as in the US and Asia, where we have a number of evolving partnerships. The overarching mission of Navenio is to continue to drive efficiency for everyone, everywhere