Meet Ross Linnett, Founder and CEO of Recite Me

Recite Me is a cloud-based web accessibility assistive toolbar solution that allows website visitors to customise a site in a way that works best for them.

The Recite Me Assistive Toolbar makes websites accessible and inclusive through a unique range of features. This easy to use, award-winning software includes text to speech functionality, fully customisable styling features, reading aids and a translation tool with over 100 languages, including 35 text to speech voices and many other features. Recite Me works across all devices, giving everyone the opportunity to use the internet in the way that it is intended.


How Did Recite Me Come About?

From the start, web accessibility has always been a passion for me as I am dyslexic and often struggled throughout school and university as a result. I was provided with personal assistive technology but this was limiting as it was only based on one computer. Hence the idea for Recite Me was born.

My dream has always been to help others like me to have an easier time and a more digitally inclusive experience. This is the principle at the very core of the business. It’s all about the benefits to the end user, and how web accessibility technology can bring people together.


What Has the Journey From a Small Regional Startup to a Multi-National Organisation Been Like?

Back when we first started, web accessibility was not really a thing, and what we do at Recite Me always took a fair amount of explaining – and that was just to family and friends, never mind the clients! Happily, those days seem to be behind us as more and more businesses are striving for online inclusion.

Over the years we’ve branched out into more and more industries, and taken on bigger and bigger clients. We are working with huge household names, such as Boots and British Gas, that all of our families have heard of – what a proud feeling. We’re still some way off achieving our goal of accessibility and inclusion for all. However, we’re proud to say that we are already making a positive difference, and every month we are joined by more industry leaders.

How Have You Responded During COVID-19?

In response to the pandemic we launched the Recite Me pledge back in March 2020. To ensure that vitally important information could be understood by everyone we hosted a free accessible landing page for businesses to share their COVID-19 message to all staff and customers. Over 150 organisations came on board to provide accessible information and the support pages are still live today and being used. Over 105,000 pages have been viewed through the pledge to provide vital information to everyone barrier-free.

We have a passion and desire to make a genuine difference and during uncertain times Recite Me wanted to support businesses across the world to keep people up to date with pandemic information.


What Are Your Future Plans?

Accessibility shows no signs of slowing down, and the demand for accessible websites has never been greater. As a company we have gone from strength to strength and I hope Recite Me will continue to grow as more and more organisations come on board to make their websites inclusive.

We have recently opened our first office in Australia which is very exciting and I can’t wait to see where it takes us!