2Hand Making Circular Economy More Accessible

2Hand Ltd helps people find the potential of second-hand items, not just for saving money at a personal level, but saving the planet and fighting against pollution and waste.


2Hand Ltd


Circular economy” is becoming a more common-use phrase in our modern world and is defined as an economic system which helps to combat global chalenges such as climbate change, pollution and waste, rather than contribute to it. 2Hand Ltd is one of the companies striving to fight for this type of economy.

2Hand Ltd is a second-hand marketplace aggregation platform that launched from Jo and Sam’s kitchens back in 2018. Why? There are so many platforms offering second-hand items, more platforms that people have time for because our research tells us that 80%* give up and buy new if a second-hand item is not found within two weeks.

Second-Hand Items Are Not Just For Saving Money


2Hand exists to highlight  the great reasons to buy more second-hand, above just saving money. There is a positive impact on the environment as extending the life-cycle of a product which puts less strain on the environment as it helps slow down the rate of excessive consumption, which means less waste and emissions.

An estimated 235M items of clothing worth £140M goes into UK landfill each year (WRAP). If action isn’t taken, ¼ of our total impact on climate change will be due to clothes consumption by 2050 (Harrabin, 2018). And the UK generates the second highest amount of E Waste per capita  in the world!

With 2Hand you can simultaneously search for second-hand products – from bikes and appliances to clothes and home furnishings – across a diverse range of marketplaces. 

Currently connected to 13 sites they are now partnering rapidly to deliver the best set of second-hand results in one place.


Power in Consumers’ Hands


Jo Spolton, Co-Founder & CEO of 2Hand says. ‘The tide is turning now on reusing things. Consumers are more powerful than they realise; if we all change our habits then the economic models will change from the ground up. Our goal with 2Hand.co.uk is to make it possible for everyone to join the circular economy’