We Asked The Experts: What Advertising Trends Will Shape 2024?

We’ve collected industry expert predictions on trends that will shape advertising in 2024.

Advertising has consistently embraced exciting innovations, seamlessly integrating them into its dynamic landscape. It is, by nature, an industry that has come to be perfectly at home in our digital age. As we look ahead, what exciting developments does advertising have in the pipeline for the upcoming year?

We asked a panel of industry experts to give their predictions on what trends they think will shape advertising next year…


Our Experts

  • Maor Sadra – CEO at INCRMNTAL
  • Neil Andrew – Founder and CEO of Lunio
  • Amanda Holmes – Lead Consultant of SaaS & Fintech at Fox Agency
  • Alban Villani – Regional CEO for EMEA at CitrusAd
  • Rosie Copland – Strategy Director at UNIT9
  • Charles Manning – Founder & CEO, Kochava
  • Aaron Goldman – Chief Marketing Officer at Mediaocean


Maor Sadra, CEO at INCRMNTAL



“I’ve worked in tech for over 20 years, and I don’t recall any product becoming such an important part of life in such a short period of time. ChatGPT has created a positive disruption across so many aspects of our digital lives, also inspiring a stack of new products and services.

“We can see a strong impact over digital advertising and marketing from ideas to creative and even complete marketing plans utilising chatGPT. The inspiration it’s brought means an increasing number of platforms will incorporate either ChatGPT or similar platforms in 2024.

“Within two years, we won’t remember how to create a report, we’ll simply prompt our analytics platform for recommendations, let the machine do the thinking and provide us with actionable insights within seconds.

“We’ll likely see this first with the large tech platforms like Google and META, but many innovative startups are also heading in this direction.”


Neil Andrew, Founder and CEO of Lunio



“Retail marketers are doubling down on digital ads in 2024, with global ad spend set to reach record highs. But as budgets scale up, so does the amount of money wasted on invalid traffic (IVT). We forecast more than £59bn will be lost to IVT in 2024, a 33% increase when compared against 2022 data.

“Given the growing inefficiency this creates within campaigns, more and more retail marketers are starting to pay attention to the impact of fake ad engagements. And those that take proactive steps to block IVT stand to gain a competitive advantage. Concentrating more budget on real people with genuine conversion potential helps work towards a healthier digital advertising ecosystem, where every click drives real value.”


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Amanda Holmes, Lead Consultant of SaaS & Fintech at Fox Agency



“Following a tumultuous year, things are looking up in the SaaS market for 2024, but things are changing. We’re past the stage of ‘growth at all costs’ and there’s a shift in focus to more disciplined, scalable growth. For marketing, that means more focus on customer segmentation and optimising the funnel in order to focus on the right acquisitions. Ultimately providing measurable impact to the business – growing average contract value (ACV), reducing churn, and increasing customer lifetime value (CLV).”


Alban Villani, Regional CEO for EMEA at CitrusAd



“Brands are well aware of how powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) is. Applied in retail media, it allows better use of the available customer data to more precisely target and measure advertising campaigns. Retailers can harness AI to improve the site experience, as well as for next-level personalisation. For brands investing in retail media, AI – used correctly – can make the retailer’s first-hand data smarter and more actionable.

“In the next few months, we will see more retailers and brands employ Predictive AI to analyse usage patterns, identify customer intent signals and zoom in on their target audience with a granularity that they haven’t been able to achieve before. Coupled with using Generative AI to support the faster creation of personalised ads, this AI-based targeting will allow them to reach the right customers at the right time. Ultimately, advertising will be powered by smart technology that works in the background in near real-time.”


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Rosie Copland, Strategy Director at UNIT9



“AI is one of the technologies that saw the most growth and utility in 2023. The reality is, as soon as AI works – no one really calls it AI anymore. What happened this year was that AI became democratised through a new generation of tools and toys which moved AI from integration to participation. In a nutshell, AI shifted from being something that made your life better behind the scenes to something you could actively use.
“There are multiple ways of using AI to supercharge marketing campaigns, and this is where we really see AI being leveraged in the advertising industry in 2024. Everything from automation (reducing human intervention in processes) to prediction (anticipating future needs or events from data analysis) and generation (creating new content from existing data).
“While some get lost in a distracting discourse about whether or not AGI (artificial general intelligence) will “take over the world” – there are a whole host of tools we can now use to leverage ANI (artificial narrow intelligence) as an effective partner. Projects such as Campari’s Fellini Forward (which used the GPT2 model to create a new short film in the style of the Italian director) are proof that humans and machines can work together hugely successfully in a creative capacity.
“Whether it’s helping to enhance creativity, drive deeper personalisation or communicate data in more compelling ways, if more people can think of AI as an assistant or a partner in 2024 rather than as a threat, it could be pretty exciting.”

Charles Manning, Founder & CEO, Kochava



“We believe that the advertising industry will be one of the first at-scale impacted industries through the use of AI and related models. LLMs are now well known across verticals as being an assist for text, image, and now video-based creations, but much of it is a consumer-facing novelty.

“2024 will be marked as the year that AI, applied to advertising efforts, using privacy-safe models that are trained on first-party data, will be the difference maker on activating and optimizing winning advertising campaigns. Kochava is incorporating AI into our own SaaS stack to apply AI in each of the modules and offerings we deliver which is transforming the way marketers plan, target, activate, measure, optimize and re-target their campaigns.”


Aaron Goldman, Chief Marketing Officer at Mediaocean



“Streaming has transformed the way television is consumed but it wasn’t always clear if the model would be subscription service or ad-supported. With Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime all rolling out ad tiers, there’s no doubt the future of TV will include advertising. That should be reassuring news to those in the ad business as well as to consumers who won’t have to continually pay more for premium content.

“Even better news for advertisers and consumers alike is that connected TV (CTV) viewing affords more relevant commercial messages and new ad formats. In the coming year, we’ll see more opportunities for brand sponsorship that go beyond 30 and 60 second spots and incorporate elements of personalisation, product placement, and interactivity.”


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