Colorintech gets £200,000 from for diversity

Diversity charity Colorintech has received £200,000 from to fund its work.

The London-based group campaigns for a more inclusive tech sector through advocacy, research and youth programmes.

According to Colorintech’s research, only 4% of the British tech industry is Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME), and people of colour are three times less likely to be in employment 12 months after university. Just 2.6% of tech board members in this country are from diverse backgrounds.

For context, the 2011 census found that 13% of people in the UK are BAME.

American companies are markedly more diverse, with 17% of high-flying tech jobs held by people of colour. Google itself reports that 46.9% of its employees are people of colour. One third of staff in leadership positions are from diverse backgrounds.

Greater representation in tech means products that serve everyone – and it’s valuable to companies. Management consultants McKinsey & Company found that ethnically diverse boards are better at delivering financial out-performance and stock market growth.

With China and India alone making up one third of the world’s population, catering to diversity opens businesses up to millions, if not billions of consumers.

Colorintech hope to use the funding to launch a career accelerator programme that will reach over 3,000 students and professionals. Their current programmes include work experience at university level and a coding summit for secondary school students.

Colorintech’s other sponsors include Huckletree, Headspace, Druthers Search and W Communications.

“We are excited to partner with Google who share our vision of making the innovation economy more inclusive,” said co-founder Dion McKenzie.

“Their support more than doubles the size of our programs and will allow us to help thousands of ethnic minorities looking to enter the tech workforce.”