How Has ChatGPT Affected PR?

When pondering over the immense changes ChatGPT has made in the last year, Public Relations (PR) may not immediately come to mind. Yet, just like it has done to so many other sectors, ChatGPT has made monumental changes to PR operations across the globe.

It’s one of the big questions currently drifting around in the PR industry. After all, one thing this last year has demonstrated is just how quickly things can change when artificial intelligence (AI) is involved, and ChatGPT is undoubtedly a prominent case in point.

An Overview of PR

The PR industry encompasses a vast set of responsibilities and operations. But in basic terms, PR helps to manage and shape an individual or company’s external relationships and image. This is typically done by cultivating a specific reputation through various channels of social media, press, radio, in-person engagements, and so on.

The general role of the industry varies depending on the company’s size and operations. Yet, somehow, ChatGPT has managed to overshadow much of what PR does in companies around the world today.

What Does ChatGPT Mean For PR?

When ChatGPT burst into our lives in November of 2022, it quickly became clear that the chatbot would be playing a starring role in our lives from now on – and, like it or not, PR is no exception.

Content Writing

ChatGPT has significantly impacted the field of PR, particularly in the realm of content creation. With remarkable speed, ChatGPT can effortlessly generate a variety of requested documents, including press releases, email templates, product descriptions, and social media posts quicker than most PR employees could produce them.

While there is an argument that ChatGPT-generated content is rather unexciting to read (with some pointing out that, no matter its accuracy, it somewhat lacks the human touch), this bland and robotic way of writing will likely improve over time.

Nonetheless, it’s difficult to deny the uses of ChatGPT when it comes to various content writing in PR. After all, it would certainly liberate PR employees to dedicate their time to other essential responsibilities.

Creative Flare

Although ChatGPT isn’t renowned for its abundant creativity, it can serve as a helpful resource when inspiration is lacking. If PR practitioners find themselves struggling to brainstorm for a snappy headline, brand announcement or campaign idea, they may be able to turn to ChatGPT for a straightforward suggestion.


As always, where substantial writing takes place is the necessary prerequisite research that must go alongside it. Those in PR must engage in meticulous research before composing any press releases, developing strategies for clients, or identifying suitable journalists and media outlets to collaborate with.

Through the use of appropriate prompts and straightforward questions, ChatGPT facilitates this research process by generating tailored lists and detailed research paragraphs.

Of course, the chatbot can’t be expected to do all the heavy lifting. Anyone using it for research purposes may still need to delve a little deeper to get more in-depth results. And, depending on the version of ChatGPT in use, there’s a possibility of encountering slightly outdated information, So, anybody using it may still need to conduct some verification checks.

Customer Service

Dissatisfied customers often communicate their discontent either indirectly, through negative reviews or social media posts, or directly to PR professionals overseeing the brand. This underscores the importance of PR in mitigating negative publicity. PR may need to formulate appropriate answers, devise damage control plans, and address inquiries and complaints.

ChatGPT can suggest ways to handle these challenges quickly and efficiently, although one could argue that the chatbot will lack the necessary empathy and human touch to deal with such complex and difficult situations.

Data Analysis

ChatGT plays a significant role in assisting PR to analyse large amounts of data to identify trends and customer preferences. This can help PR professionals to fine-tune their campaigns, engage in more informed decision-making, and strategically shape their communication strategies.

Investigating The Implications

On the surface, it may look as though the PR industry has a great deal to be concerned about regarding the impact of ChatGPT. While there is some validity to these concerns, it seems unlikely to be as straightforward as the chatbot completely taking over the sector.

As mentioned, ChatGPT has yet to master the art of infusing content with that special human touch required for compelling writing in PR. While the industry demands content creation, all PR content ought to be eye-catching and interesting to read.

Nonetheless, technology does have a reputation for replacing the human workforce and, in sectors like PR, it cannot be denied that several basic PR responsibilities, such as content-creating, could be delegated to chatbots such as ChatGPT.

Furthermore, we can only assess how ChatGPT is affecting industries at its current stage. The chatbot has already made leaps and bounds in its first year of widespread use, who is to say it won’t make even greater achievements in the year to come?

But despite these advancements, it seems unlikely that ChatGPT will have irrevocable consequences for the PR industry. While it can, and perhaps should, be used to assist and speed up certain responsibilities, it is unlikely that it could ever replace human PR professionals.

Indeed, ChatGPT can assist in generating content and conducting research among other things, but it is improbable that it will ever replace the intrinsic creativity and nuanced skills crucial to compelling effective PR, as well as the ability to cultivate enduring relationships with the media and strategise client relations.