The Scottish Startup That’s Making Traditional Therapy More Interactive

About Moment One 

Moment One is a Scotland based health and wellbeing startup that’s making traditional therapy more interactive. Their platform provides growth based interaction with therapists, access to an AI-driven smart coach and accountability support through the community. Moment One takes the concept of a gym and applies it to mental self-development, they are the wellbeing gym for mental health.


Moment One - Blue Icon


Their Approach 

Moment One provides a cost-effective and inclusive self-development platform that makes it easy to access affordable therapy, get companion support and work with an accountability partner in real-time. The platform makes therapy and the self-development journey interactive to encourage people to work towards becoming a healthier version of themselves. Another feature is their AI smart coach that helps users by combining the best in psychology to empower individuals to take control of their mental wellbeing. Moment One’s community is also designed to provide an active support system by giving people access to a stigma-free community as well as an accountability partner. 


Current Journey & Next Steps 

Since being founded in 2020, Moment One has been progressing incrementally towards the continued validation of its solution, getting insights from industry experts and forming valuable collaborations. They are also creating an impact fund that will be used towards providing wellbeing, self-development and therapist support to those that are unable to access mental health services. They’ll be open for impact related collaborations with other companies later this year to help expand the support available to those that need it most. 

The next two milestones for Moment One include their investment funding round this summer which will allow the startup to expand its deployment, onboard larger user numbers and scale the team. Finally, they’re also inviting pilot users and organisations to be part of their Alpha Release. If you or your company requires additional wellbeing support then please get in touch with Moment One at: