How to Get Twitter Followers from 0: A Comprehensive Guide

Who wouldn’t want to be popular on Twitter (X)? Not to send messages into the void, but to constantly find a response to them. And if the microblogging service is one of the key tools of your business, you need to promote your Twitter account. Promoting your site on Twitter will help you significantly expand your client base and increase sales. New business partners will be found. Brand recognition will increase.

There are many services where you can buy Twitter followers, as well as likes and reposts of your publications. At the same time, you should use only really trusted services. There are many unscrupulous “recruiters” who for a lot of money can sell you a bunch of recently created bots. Needless to say, besides the number in the “Readers” field, such services will not bring any benefit to your account.

In this article, we will look at how to promote Twitter and what methods you can use to ensure its popularity.

Something about Twitter (X)

If a user wants to write deep and heartfelt messages, to express his thoughts in a measured way, not skimping on tens of thousands of characters, then seeing the limitation in the characters of the message, he is a little upset. Twitter is a microblog designed for small messages (up to 280 characters). Like chirping birds, users succinctly express the essence and read the same “expressive constructions” from other participants.

The most interesting posts can be retweeted, i.e. posted to your page with an indication of the source. If someone’s profile seems interesting to you, and his tweets regularly “guest” at you, it makes sense to subscribe to such an account to see all the latest updates in the news. Of course, interesting information in messages is not the only factor that makes users subscribe to updates.

Famous personalities, such as actors, musicians, and showmen, may not bother to fill the page with quality content to attract people. For them, Twitter followers are a reflection of fans in real life. But if you are not Elvis Presley, and you want to have a lot of followers, you should go other ways.

How to Use Twitter?

To successfully use Twitter, you need to know the subtleties of working with this social network: you can’t post a long story here, as the length of a tweet is up to 280 characters, including spaces, but it’s easy to get a user interested with a colorful headline.

For example, post the same long story on your website or Facebook profile and link to it in a tweet. You’ll get a lot of traffic and, afterwards, a whole discussion under the tweet: Twitter has long been known as the social network with the healthiest discussions on the Internet.

It is a service without borders and prejudices, which still unites users worldwide, allowing you to speak openly and find like-minded people. However, for several years now, Twitter has been struggling with internet trolls and haters who flood the social network and incite flames under tweets.

Therefore, it is important to be ready not only for a wave of healthy interest from followers but also for negativity; the number of retweets, not likes, indicates a tweet’s success. The logic is simple – if your tweet is shared, it contains interesting information, and its weight will increase, pushing your profile to the top of the search results.

Where to Find Subscribers for Successful Promotion

However, it would help if you had at least a minimum audience to realize the above ideas. It is pointless to write the most creative tweets into the void. It is naive to expect that future followers will find you by hashtags. It would help to have a certain readership in your publication feed to start successful #promotion.

To do this, you must decide on a microblog theme. The popularity of topics on Twitter is easy to track in trends. Politics, world news, IT, video games, and among younger audiences, fandoms, subcultures, TV series, and music are always popular there. Choose the topic you’re most passionate about, and subscribe to the biggest accounts that publish. The followers of these accounts are your target audience.

Proper interaction with the user audience is the key to successful promotion on Twitter. Write comments, discuss with other users, draw attention to yourself – and you will soon have subscribers.

A couple of dozen live active users sharing your interests on Twitter is enough to promote your account. From my experience, any interesting tweet can go viral. One of my posts got over a thousand retweets and 200 thousand impressions, although I had only a few hundred followers. Think, try, write – and you will succeed!

Start with Profile Design

A prominent avatar, a stylish title, a succinct description – even a newcomer to blogging can pump up their profile at the first stage. Analyze popular accounts to determine your audience’s preferences. Or do the opposite, create the most unusual design that attracts attention.

Either way, you need to stand out to promote yourself on Twitter. But it’s equally important to communicate relevant information. Your nickname should be easy to remember, and your blog topic should be easy to identify (if there is one). The page header should echo the main design while not distracting from the text content. The best tweet should be anchored at the very top to catch the attention of casual visitors.

Communicate with other Users

It’s only possible to promote Twitter by interacting with other users if you’re a Hollywood star. Communication is the most important thing in any other social network. Look for friends by interests; attracting a potential audience is easier. Add yourself as a friend, comment on other users’ tweets, like posts, retweet, and socialize.

To promote your Twitter account, you don’t have to advertise yourself everywhere. It’s enough to actively communicate and post interesting tweets on your favourite topic. In addition, you can offer help to other users if the problem concerns your speciality. This is how many people find their first subscribers and even friends on Twitter.

Make the Right Posts

The most important life hack, how to promote a Twitter account, concerns the rules of the design of posts. Here, everything is more complex than it may seem. To fit into a limited number of characters is far from the main thing for a good tweet.

  • First, if you post links, use a service to shorten them. This will make your posts easier to read and your tweets more compact. Choose free services, it’s great if they will support statistics of link clicks.
  • Secondly, mention other bloggers, remembering to link to their pages.
  • Thirdly, use hashtags wisely. You don’t need to oversaturate a tweet with hashtags; just one or two properly chosen tags are enough to make the post searchable.
  • And lastly, pictures should be mentioned. If you want to promote your Twitter page, you can only do so through expressiveness. But do not attach any pictures; read the user manual, which details the size of photos for the cover, profile, ribbon, etc.

In the long run, the most correct and effective method of promoting a Twitter account is posting high-quality and interesting tweets. Users, noting the informative and relevant content, will gladly start reading you and discussing certain topics.

An excellent and always working option is to join the discussion of trending topics. For example, posting tweets about high-profile and topical sporting events like the World Cup can significantly “boost” your follower base.

Posts with the following content will also find their audience:

  • Briefly presented hot news. It is not worth mentioning again how much people want to know about everything first. A tweet can be provided with a link to the expanded material, especially if the one is posted on your resource.
  • Utterances of great people, and just famous personalities. Such content is always popular. The main thing – remember to surround the quote with quotes and indicate the author of the excerpt.
  • All kinds of witticisms and humorous tweets. The main requirement for such posts is accessibility and relevance for readers. This approach works well for trending topics.
  • Maximum creative expression of thoughts. All kinds of puns and short poems have long been “registered” on Twitter.

Be Relevant

An important tip for those looking to promote a Twitter account from scratch is to make your blog relevant. It would help if you got into trends to get noticed in a highly competitive environment. The blog’s topic should be interesting, new, and useful to the audience. Write about what you know best; try to avoid fooling anyone by bringing up topics you have superficial knowledge about.

If you run a full-fledged blog, tweets can become announcements of your posts or supplement them. In any case, find your topic where you can be called an expert. Today, highly specialized blogs are much more sought after by audiences than those with “a little bit of everything”.

Keep an Eye on Literacy

Unlike visual social networks like Instagram, literacy, including punctuation, is important for promotion on Twitter. If you have an expert blog, grammatical errors will be fatal.

At the same time, literary language is not obligatory, and professional jargon and slang are not prohibited. The main thing is that the posts were understandable to the potential audience. To promote your Twitter, check the posts for relevance,

informativeness, and literacy. Errors within 140 characters look quite inappropriate, so be careful.

Connect Social Networks and Third-Party Resources

Take the opportunity to propagate Twitter on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. Leave a valid link in the header of any profile, and write a post with a message that you are on Twitter on your page or in your public. If you have a web resource, promote your Twitter profile by sharing the most interesting tweet. Link your social networks to unite their audiences.

Don’t Get Carried Away with Mass-Following

A very popular way of gaining subscribers from scratch is reciprocal #subscription. It is easy to find an account for mutual reading – for example, through the hashtag “read mutually” or “follow back”. Users often write this magical phrase directly in the profile name or description. The social network does not prohibit this, but there is a program limitation on adding new followers – up to 400 per day. Therefore, it is better to do something other than overdo it in this direction to avoid falling under sanctions.

However, it would help if you realized that the effect of such mutual subscriptions will be very low. Most likely, added in this way, #followers will not read your tweets, retweet, or like your publications. They will hang dead weight just for quantity. At the same time, the approximate equality of subscriptions and subscribers will indicate the low quality of your account.

Twitter algorithms periodically wrote off such “dead souls” from subscribers. The network often bans such accounts due to mass-following. On the other hand, no one forbids you to exchange subscriptions with live accounts because of similar interests.


Twitter is one of the best platforms for increasing brand awareness and creating new customers. However, this platform is dynamic, and you can only do it with marketing activities. A tweet “lives” for only a few minutes because more than 7000 new messages are published on the platform every second.

Use marketing tricks to the maximum; however, remember uniqueness: you must stand out. Start with your profile and bio. Keep simplicity and brand recognition in mind. Only send tweets during certain hours. Do your research and determine when your target audience is most active.

Use hashtags, but stay moderate with them. You should put no more than one tag per post. Use advanced search to find out what your potential customers like or dislike. Do not hesitate to add accounts that interest you personally and are close in spirit. Even if your goal is pure commerce, remember that the network is, first and foremost, a means of communicating with people. Perhaps among your readers will be future business partners, advertisers, and sponsors.