UKs SMEs Remain Turned Off By Politics

A survey amongst 20,000 small business managers by fast growing UK telecoms provider, bOnline, shows the majority (52%) remained undecided on who they are going to back on July 4th right up until polling day.

The survey of SME bosses was conducted post each of the main parties publishing their manifestos and the re-emergence of Nigel Farage onto the political landscape. When asked if they had decided which way they were going to vote, prior to the election, 29% of the respondents were “undecided” and nearly a quarter (23%) firmly “not decided.”

The findings mirror a poll published by the Federation of Small Businesses on June 7th that revealed one-in-five (20%) were yet to decide which party they would choose, with a further one-in-three (33%) saying they had a good idea who they would vote for but could still change their mind.

Anthony Karibian, Founder and CEO of bOnline, commented: “Whilst there was an overriding perception that the results of the UK election were a foregone conclusion, our data points to a significant segment of the UK’s business community yet to declare their hand [right up to polling day]. All parties still have a major task ahead if they are to successfully mobilise this influential audience.”

FSB’s Policy Chair, Tina McKenzie commented: “Small business owners and the self-employed are a shrewd and motivated part of the electorate. They’re used to weighing up competing offers when running their businesses and it’s clear from our research that when it came to the election they were looking for which of the parties has the most compelling pro-small business offer. Small businesses are the key to securing economic recovery, driving innovation, and creating jobs in all parts of the UK.”

TechRound Founder and Editor-in-Chief, David Soffer comments: “This data really speaks to the lack of ambition and creativity of both main political parties in particular when it comes to helping small businesses. Politicians of all persuasions talk about ‘growth’ and ‘helping businesses’ but what small businesses and SMEs truly need is the freedom and ability to do what they do best; grow and progress.”

According to government statistics, at the start of 2023, there were some 5.6m SME businesses in the UK, down from the pre-pandemic 6m high, employing 16.7m people representing 67% of the UK’s total workforce.

FSB’s poll indicates 96% of business owners ultimately intended to vote – the bOnline data suggests those decisions were ultimately made on their way to, or even at, the polling station.

bOnline ( is a leading low-cost provider of digital phone and broadband solutions to small and growing businesses across the UK. It has won multiple industry awards.