47. Cognism

Company: Cognism

Founders: James Isilay, Stjepan Buljat

Website: https://www.cognism.com/

About Cognism


We give you mobile phone numbers and B2B emails of people you want to do business with
7x more live conversations than you’d get with you-know-who.

✓ 98% mobile phone number accuracy. We manually verify decision-makers’ phone numbers so you can do what you do best: talk to people.

✓ Unrestricted access to person and company-level data. Stop worrying about credit limits, geographical, and other data access restrictions.

✓ International coverage, so you can break into local and global markets: EMEA, NAM, APAC.

✓ Easy platform setup and integrations with your CRM and sales engagement tools: Salesforce, Hubspot, SalesLoft, Outreach and more. Get all this data on-demand and in the systems you work in.

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