14. Oxehealth

Company: Oxehealth

Founder: Lionel Tarassenko

Website: https://www.oxehealth.com/

Description: Oxehealth was spun out of Oxford University’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering and has worked in collaboration with NHS patients, nurses and doctors for a decade. The company has created Oxevision – a contact-free patient monitoring and management system that helps clinicians to deliver safer, higher-quality and more efficient care. Oxevision is currently supporting half of NHS England mental health trusts and has enhanced over 20 million hours of patient care.



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About Oxehealth

Oxehealth was spun out of Oxford University’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering and has worked in collaboration with NHS patients, nurses and doctors for a decade. The company has created Oxevision – a contact-free patient monitoring and management system that helps clinicians to deliver safer, higher-quality and more efficient care. Oxevision is currently supporting half of NHS England mental health trusts and has enhanced over 20 million hours of patient care.

Oxevision uses an infrared sensitive camera, housed in a secure unit installed in a patient’s room, that works with cleared medical device software. With Oxevision, staff can:

  • Measure a patient’s pulse and breathing rate remotely – reducing disturbance and improving privacy, which is particularly important at night
  • Receive real-time alerts to high-risk activity, prompting a safety check (e.g. if a patient spends a prolonged period of time in the bathroom, gets out of bed or leaves the room)
  • Access an overview of key physical health and activity data to support clinical decision making and individualised, person-centred care planning

Data generated by Oxevision supports Oxehealth’s partners to transform day-to-day clinical practice. In parallel, it powers the Oxehealth Clinical Research Forum, which brings together leading clinicians and researchers to unlock and accelerate big breakthroughs in mental health treatment and elderly care.




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