42. NeuroCreate

Company: NeuroCreate

Founder: Dr Shama Rahman

Website: https://www.neurocreate.co.uk/

Description: NeuroCreate’s first product, the FlowCreate™️ Innovator, is a B2B SaaS platform that uses neuroscience and AI to navigate employees through the creative stages of their roles.




About NeuroCreate

NeuroCreate’s first product, the FlowCreate™️ Innovator, is a B2B SaaS platform that uses neuroscience and AI to navigate employees through the creative stages of their roles, acting as a facilitator for accelerating the creative process through digitised creative techniques and tools, and equally as a provocateur that challenges assumptions to help users identify blindspots. The AI collaborator is a visual tool that sparks human creativity by inspiring, expanding and analysing ideas for creative industries professionals within strategy and content creation. By providing a flexible digital innovation framework, the Innovator guides professionals through different stages of creative cognition.

The company has already received traction with creative, innovation and design companies that validate the beta version of the product and the pricing strategy. NeuroCreate has published positive results of AI-human collaboration in over 100 trials to improve creative productivity and mental flexibility and has subsequently received Innovate UK funding for the platform.




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